ManLosch and I went to the movies on Sunday. We love the previews. So a preview comes on and I say, "Hmm this looks more like the commercials for the Marines or Navy, etc." As we continue to watch it...oh...oh wait, NO. It's actually a commercial for a video game. We both mentioned how so many commercials these days that are for video games look like it's a recruitment video for the military. It's slightly disturbing.
Actually it's ALOT disturbing. I'm disturbed that we've deemed it acceptable to show games and things we can control like a military commercial. If only we could send soldiers in virtually and fight war virtually, things would be ALOT easier on this country. I'm just not able to accept the fact that video game commercials and military commercials are too similar.
Rant over, I'm gonna stop now. :)
Perhaps more disturbing is just flipping the statement, that military recruitment commercials look like video game ads. The military is great and provides excellent life lessons and career opportunities, but do we really want to advertise to young Americans that being in the military is the same as their most recent first-person shooter game?