27 October 2010

New Direction!

As sad as it may seem....I think my blog may be taking a new direction shortly. There are so many life changes happening right now that I think I want to see my blog move in a new direction now. There will still be ranting and raving.....but just a little different. :)

And I still love you.

23 October 2010

I Laugh A Little Inside

Did alot of baby shopping today. Second stop was Target. Since my bladder is the size of a pin head, I had to pee again. So as I waddled to the ladies room and picked a stall, I noticed that a little boy was in the restroom waiting for his mom. He was very chatty but this is what made me laugh:

  • Mom: Mommy's tummy hurts a little, that's why we're still in here, ok?
  • Son: OKAY!
  • Mom: We might need to get Mommy a new tummy.
  • Son: Hmm. Like one with a baby in it??.
  • Mom: No, no. Not that kind of tummy.

The woman was essentially broadcasting to the entire ladies restroom that she was taking a shit and it was a bad one. But all the poor kid wanted was a little brother or sister. I thought it was funny that he thought you could just buy new tummies and that babies are an accessory with said tummy. Is this what I have to look forward to?

20 October 2010


This past weekend, ManLosch and I were back in the burbs of Chicago for a baby shower thrown by his mother and sisters. It was a quick trip. Our flight on Sunday was leaving at 7:45am and one sister (Erica) actually lives in Chicago, so we stayed with her and her hubs (James) Saturday night.

Well her and the hubs have cats named Guinness and Bailey. Very adorable cats; I love using his pointer to project that little red dot everywhere and watch them go crazy. At about 5:15am Sunday, ManLosch helped me get in the shower, as their tub is a little high for a fatty preggo to get into. Once he helped me in, he walked out and thought he closed the door, but left it cracked. About 10 seconds later, there's a shadow walking between the curtain and the liner and I screamed. It was a cat. A cat had jumped onto the tub. I started yelling, "RYYYYYYYAAANNNNN!!! THERE'S A CAT IN THE TUB, A CAAAAAT IN THE TUBBBBBBB!!!!!!" He ran in just as the cat was rounding the corner to actually JOIN me in the shower. With the cat successfully shoo'ed away, I was able to finish up. Apparently I had also probably woken up half of their apartment building. :-) James is convinced that it was payback for the laser pointer.

Oops. Sorry about that Erica and James. I hope your neighbors forgive me.

14 October 2010

The Big 3-0

Dear World,

I am 30 weeks pregnant. This shit is INSANE. Freak out begins soon. I can't believe I'm in the third trimester let alone 30 weeks. I remember when I was anxious just to get to 20. And now I'm already 30??? Jeeeeez. I keep chanting "almost there, almost there" especially when I find it hard to not be out of breath and just finish a sentence. But yea. CRAAAAAZY.


13 October 2010

Childbirthing Class

Yes, I went to the childbirthing class. It was not the goodies. Ryan and I went this past Saturday from 9am-6pm. Do they show the gruesome videos? Yes.
Was it long and boring? Yes.
Did we have to change diapers on ridiculous dolls? Yes. (They also had some weird marker drawings on their heads)
Did my heart melt from its "i hate all kids" icy state? Mmm, not really, BUT I did some see newborns that were born the day before the class. It was kinda cute and touched my icy little heart a bit.

But the best part? The best part was when the husband of one of the preggos started smoking. Around all the other pregnant women there too. Just lit up like it wasn't a problem. Um HELLO?!?! I wanted to smack the shit out of him. If there's one thing I'm adamant about during this pregnancy, is not being around smokers. I have the occasional soda, and indulge in my favorite sandwich sometimes. But cmon buddy, your own wife is pregnant and you just smoke around her day and night? FAIL.

11 October 2010

By George I Think She's Got It!

Got what you ask?

Recently, while at the Dollar Store (one of my most favorite places EVER), we stocked up on some disinfecting wipes. They are called "Brillo" wipes. As I pulled one wipe out the other night, I couldn't help but notice what kinds it viruses it claims to kill. Ladies and Gentlemen.....these wipes claim to kill:

HIV-1(also known as the AIDS virus)
Avian Flu
Athletes Foot

Don't worry, it also boasts that it'll kill alot more than just that!!

There are also instructions on the container on how to go about killing HIV. Please wear gloves while you do it (that's what she said) and a face mask.

The Dollar Store has been carrying our answer to all the great medical mysteries.The freaking Dollar Store. So go out and get you some Brillo Disinfecting Wipes. They will change your life. Perhaps find your soul mate for you while you clean your kitchen counter. Maybe dunk one in your cup of tea to get rid of that nasty cold. I'm JUST sayin......