23 October 2010

I Laugh A Little Inside

Did alot of baby shopping today. Second stop was Target. Since my bladder is the size of a pin head, I had to pee again. So as I waddled to the ladies room and picked a stall, I noticed that a little boy was in the restroom waiting for his mom. He was very chatty but this is what made me laugh:

  • Mom: Mommy's tummy hurts a little, that's why we're still in here, ok?
  • Son: OKAY!
  • Mom: We might need to get Mommy a new tummy.
  • Son: Hmm. Like one with a baby in it??.
  • Mom: No, no. Not that kind of tummy.

The woman was essentially broadcasting to the entire ladies restroom that she was taking a shit and it was a bad one. But all the poor kid wanted was a little brother or sister. I thought it was funny that he thought you could just buy new tummies and that babies are an accessory with said tummy. Is this what I have to look forward to?

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Kids take everything so literally.

    I think we both have a lot of conversations about poop to look forward to. That's for sure.
