30 November 2010

Things That Freak Me Out

There are things that just freak or skeeve me out. Very random things sometimes.

1) People who don't like chicken. C'mon. This is not just a black thing.
2) People who don't believe in using lotion to moisturize.
3) The dude that works at my company who walks around with no shoes sometimes.
4) The women at my company who can't seem to keep our restroom clean and literally not full of shit.
5) Women who enjoy pregnancy.
6) Anyone who doesn't understand the concept of personal space. Please, you do not need to tell me your story 2 inches from my body. Back it up a few feet.
7) 10 lb infants.
8) Lint. (especially on sheets....ew...it's just...ugh....no.....can't do it)
9) Man thumbs.
10) Spiders (or any bugs for that matter).
11) That speck of white spit some people get on their lips when talking and it just doesn't go away and it attaches itself to both lips and stretches, and ewwwwwww. Yea.
12) The notion that dinosaurs could make a return and be really pissed off (more specifically, T-Rexes).


  1. Ha ha, I like chicken! But I'm very picky-- Popeye's or Pollo Loco. That's it. I think KFC is gross. And those nasty "chicken nuggets" from McDonalds and all those other fast food places are gross.

    I also like homemade chicken soup, if it's made right.

    As for "man thumbs" do you mean "toe thumbs"? Those freak me out, too. Google it and see what I mean.

  2. That's funny! My pasty white roommate was just talking last night about how there are two fried chicken places in town where the all-black employees look at him funny when he goes in to order chicken. He was like, "White people like chicken too! Colonel Sanders is white! Asian people like chicken so much they keep them in their yards! What race of people doesn't eat chicken???" Then he cooked up some fried chicken on my stove. Mmm.

    And, someone just came in to my office to frighten me with a graphic story about #7. Thanks a bunch, lady.

  3. Notion? What do you mean notion? I thought Jurassic Park was a documentary.

    And I personally like that when you search "toe thumbs" it comes up with pictures of Megan Fox, because I know that's EXACTLY what she's referring to by "man thumbs."
