29 April 2011

In Which I Do Not Care

This morning, people were late coming into work.
Want to know why?

Because they got up at the buttass crack of dawn to watch the royal wedding. You were late to work because of a wedding happening in another country.

I'm sorry ya'll, but I don't get it. I was so SICK of the coverage on this wedding. Every single morning on the morning shows, it was "Kate's hats, Kate's weight...blah blah blah." I don't care. I'm sorry. I just don't get the infatuation with a wedding happening in the country that OUR country fought so hard to get away from. Here's what I don't mind though: I don't mind the actual wedding. The union between two people who love each other; That part of it is cool. But now that I have a 4 month old baby who doesn't sleep, I'm SHO as heck not getting up at 4am to watch a wedding. I wouldn't get up that early to watch a family wedding.

Know what I DO care about? The fact that we're getting raped at the gas pump. The fact that we're polluting our planet and slowly making it uninhabitable for our future offspring. I was talking to a friend about it yesterday after work and at work today and he made a good point though. He said that with all that shitty stuff happening here, it's kind of nice to say "Hey look over here!" When he put it that way, it made more sense. Like the shiny object to distract you from the fact that someone just told you that your puppy got hit by a car.

Anywho, maybe we'll get back to reality sooner or later. For now, I'll waste my time watching All My Children. Oh wait, that's not real either....damn it.

28 April 2011

Sometimes I Wonder

Sometimes I read CNN online right before the work day starts. Today, in particular, I read about the storms that hit the South. It was a fairly lengthy article, but what caught my eye the most was the way the writer decided to end his article:

"The storm also unleashed as many as 80,000 chickens in Pickens County, Georgia, after four huge coops were destroyed."

Really??? That's all you could come up with to end this story???

27 April 2011

Assumptions at Downtown Crossing

Yesterday, I was at the Downtown Crossing T station to head to the airport to meet my sister-in-law who is here to watch Jovie for the week. Jovie was sleeping in the Baby Bjorn and a nice Chinese woman started talking to me. She asked me how old the baby was. She then asked "It's girl?" I said it was (cmon, her ears are pierced now, get with the program please).

She then said, "Oh, light skin. You mom?"

I knew this would happen. I knew the day would come when someone would question whether or not Jovie was my daughter. It happened a little more subtly at the Park Street Station once (hmm..I'm gathering a theme here). But this was the first time someone has blatantly asked me. I always told myself that I'd remain calm when it happened because well, people are people. I did try. I told her that I was. She then said "Oh. Portuguese?" I was getting increasingly agitated. I said "My husband? He's white." She said "Oh. So you black. He white. Good." GOOD????

So what if she wasn't my biological daughter? I was carrying her and protecting her with love. Is it "good" because my equation to her now made sense as to why my daughter is so light? Jovie popped her eyes open, and then at that point, I was so annoyed, tired, and frustrated, I just got up and walked away. I know it shouldn't frustrate me. But it does a little. It does bother me that only because she has light skin, would someone assume she isn't mine. She damn sure looks like me. Her mean attitude is definitely mine. What if she had darker skin? Would she not be as beautiful in the eyes of others?

I know. I need to get over it. And I have. But still. Just feel me, ok??

19 April 2011

Breathe (2am)

  • Me (in response to a song Grandma Losch is singing to Jovie): That song was in the bomb episode of Grey's Anatomy.
  • ManLosch: Yeah?
  • Me: Yup. When Meredith is pulling the bomb out the body and then slowly giving it to the bomb squad dude. He then walks out and when he's halfway down the hall....BOOM!! Pink mist.
  • ManLosch:Uh wow. You know almost every song and when it happened during Grey's Anatomy episodes. What was the pink mist again?
  • Me: The Anesthesiologist is telling the paramedic, played by Christina Ricci, that the bomb squad refers to you as pink mist if you are holding a bomb that explodes. That's what your body becomes.
  • ManLosch: You might know a little too much about Grey's Anatomy.
  • Me (karate kicks and punches the air): PINK MIST!!

15 April 2011

Sitting Shiva

Well ABC. You did it.

You cancelled "All My Children."

Are you happy with yourselves? Because I am devastated. You better make now through September the best episodes ever made EVER by a daytime network EVER. I'm in total shock. I am currently mourning at my desk.

Erica, Tad, Opal, J.R., Cara, Jake.....I will pay tribute to you. The drama will never end.

13 April 2011

Martha Stewart Ain't Got Nothin!

Hear ye, Hear ye. I'd like to welcome a friend to the blogging community. His name is Ryan, we work together, and he just started a blog.
(Hi Ryan!)

So what is his fabulous blog about you ask? Well I'll tell you. Food. Beautiful, delicious food. He loves to cook (and I love to eat) and has started chronicling his journey into the recipe world. And he's serious about it too. Bought new placements and plates and everything.

So check it out. It's called "A Food Lover's Porn" and can be found on my blog under "Visual Crack For The Soul." I can't look at the blog while at work because it makes me hungry, so welcome a fellow blogger and scamper on over to his site. Yes. Scamper.

12 April 2011

Lexi Creates an Alter Ego

I don't even know if I can say that I CREATED one. It has been slowly forming itself and yesterday, it reared it's ugly head.

Meet Stabby Storm.

She is the other side of me who apparently wants to go apesh*t on the medical staff at Mount Auburn Hospital and start overturning trays of needles Hulk-style. She is the side of me that emerges when someone bumps into my babies' stroller and doesn't say excuse me. She is the side of me that will hurt a b*tch if they ever hurt my baby or my husband. 

I've noticed her emerging over the last few months, but yesterday took the cake with my fiasco trying to get a 5 minute chickenpox vaccine. The ordeal lasted an hour and 15 minutes making me even later for work. Stabby Storm emerged and asked the woman at the desk why it was taking so long for someone to give me a shot; if they were extracting the virus from a damn chicken in the back. Yes.

She has arrived.

10 April 2011

Jesus and Buckeyes

ManLosch and I are at Mass today and somehow, we're always on the same page...

  • Priest: Let us offer one another a sign of that peace...
  • ManLosch (turns to me and kisses me): Peace baby.
  • Me: Yea, peace.
  • Couple with brand new baby 2 rows in front of us: Peace. (the guys turns to us and waves) Peace..
  • Me: Peace. (catches a glimpse of his Ohio State shirt)
  • ManLosch: (turns to me with a face) Uhh yea. That might be a problem.
  • Me: Yea. Totally not cool. No peace.

07 April 2011

Why I Love My Mom

My mom sees Jovie's 1st zerbert video on her website. She leaves a comment. This is her comment:

If you somehow still don't get the humor, please look at the last line.

05 April 2011

Back to Work

Soooo I'm back at work now. BUMMER.

My first day back wasn't too bad. I did cry Sunday night, and it took me a bit to get out of the house yesterday, but I did it! And when 5:30 hit and I was still in a meeting, I said "Uhhh...yea, my uh-" And everyone said, "Yep, Jovie." I bounced out of my chair PRETTY quick and rushed home. I was greeted with the most beautiful toothless grin I've ever seen.

Who AM I now?! :-)