19 April 2011

Breathe (2am)

  • Me (in response to a song Grandma Losch is singing to Jovie): That song was in the bomb episode of Grey's Anatomy.
  • ManLosch: Yeah?
  • Me: Yup. When Meredith is pulling the bomb out the body and then slowly giving it to the bomb squad dude. He then walks out and when he's halfway down the hall....BOOM!! Pink mist.
  • ManLosch:Uh wow. You know almost every song and when it happened during Grey's Anatomy episodes. What was the pink mist again?
  • Me: The Anesthesiologist is telling the paramedic, played by Christina Ricci, that the bomb squad refers to you as pink mist if you are holding a bomb that explodes. That's what your body becomes.
  • ManLosch: You might know a little too much about Grey's Anatomy.
  • Me (karate kicks and punches the air): PINK MIST!!

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