Let's be real, there are just too many times in life where you say, "Screw it, I'm NOT sorry, and I don't care what you think." I'm a mom and a wife, and no I didn't lose all that baby weight yet. Let me entertain you.
24 January 2010
23 January 2010
Ariana Muffington
J: i may stay late tonight beyootch
22 January 2010
Hope For Haiti
Brad Pitt's goat beard, that apparently according to ManLosch used to have a bead in it.
Stevie Wonder saying "A whole lotta littles makes a whole lotta lots." C'mon Stevie.
Now up until Wyclef Jean (who is performing now), this thing has been a DUD. I feel like I've been at a funeral the whole time. Yes, I understand that it's a somber time, but that means it calls for something uplifting! To give me more hope that they're going to find more people alive. Wyclef at least put a little back into it and made me feel the true spirit of Haiti.
Anyway, now onto 20/20, whose biggest stories after Hope for Haiti are teens who work at Starbucks being sexually harrassed at work and Lady Gaga pushing the limits..........WHAT?
20 January 2010
Stop It
Please STOP clapping after we finish yoga!!!! Like I'm not even joking. Stop. It's just weird.
Concerned yogette-in-training
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed
19 January 2010
They bought me a membership to Grub Street in Boston!
What is Grub Street you might ask? Ahh, well let me tell you what Grub Street is dear amigos and amigas. It's an organization for writers in Boston. I can sign up for writing classes and get a discount, use their downtown facilities to write and use their free wireless, take out books, get free publications, discounts at indie bookstores, and much more. I'm so excited for this packet to come in the mail with my membership that I keep checking the mailbox for it.
My hope is that this membership will motivate my ass to seriously write this year. I got the perfect jumpstart with my summer writing class, but now I need to get moving with it. You heard it here first kids. Well maybe not first, but you heard it! Can't wait for the mail to come....cmon cmon cmon!!
18 January 2010
The Rabbit!
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
One of the best movies ever. Sorry. And I'm really not kidding. I LOVE this movie. It's on right now on HBO. I remember seeing this movie in the theatre with my dad when it came out, so naturally, this movie holds a little significance for me. I remember getting the talking Roger Rabbit doll from him where you pulled the string and he said "I know it's raining cats and dogs but I just stepped on a pooooooodle."
"I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way."
"Shave and a haircut.......TWOOO BIIIIIIIIIITS!!!!"
Groundbreaking stuff guys. One of the first live action and animation movies. It's like watching an animated film noir comedy. It's got all of the right elements. It's perfect. I'm gushing. I'm sorry. Hard to believe I still don't own it huh? :-)
Annnnnd back to the movie and my dessert.....
17 January 2010
We're Getting A....Pony?
ManLosch: Okay, I'll buy you one. But a real one.
Me: I don't want a real one. I want a stuffed one.
ManLosch: No, I'm going to get you a real one. A real pony.
Me: What am I supposed to do with a real pony?
ManLosch: Ride it in the streets. Duh.
Me: Where?? We have a car for that.
ManLosch: What do you think people used in colonial America? How did they get around? Right. Pony.
Me: But where do I park it?
ManLosch: In the driveway.
Me: In the driveway? Next to the rest of the cars? So what happens when the pony gets pissed and kicks the cars? What do you tell the other drivers?
ManLosch: You shouldn't have parked your car next to my pony.
We laugh for a little while because I think for a minute, we forgot we were at Mass. We continue:
Me: Well do you get it inspected like a car? Like how do you take it for an emissions test?
ManLosch: Easy. Take it where you normally take cars.
Me: But how do they test the pony?
ManLosch: Amount of manure it produces. Easy. C'mon.
Me: Okay, well how do you register it?
ManLosch: DMV. Put the license plates on the tail.
Me: Okay, so I'm just supposed to ride this pony to and from work? To the store? Everywhere, all year long?
ManLosch: Yup.
Me: What about when it gets cold?
ManLosch: Again, what did they do during colonial times? Layer up.
Me: What happens when I need to park and it's municipal parking? You know, where you put the ticket in the dashboard to show exactly when you parked? What do I do with the pony?
ManLosch: Tape the ticket to the saddle.
So I'm laughing all the way down the aisle to get my Jeezit and ManLosch leans in behind me and makes a horse noise as we pass the stuffed pony. Once Mass is over and we walk out to the packed parking lot, he tells me one last thing:
ManLosch: See? Wouldn't it be nice if you could walk out of Mass and have your pony just waiting for you? Hmm?.
14 January 2010
Celebrate Good Posts C'mon!
So after this not-so-involved conversation with myself, I decided to share, after 200 posts, a few things that have made me completely, and utterly happy.
1. McDreamy AND McSteamy in a movie together (which helps to overshadow that the atrociously horrible Taylor Swift is in the movie and it helps overshadow that the movie is about ::gulp:: Valentine's Day....blech)
2. Belmont Public Library: totally yummy and delicious and free.
3. McSteamy in an episode of Private Practice naked. NAKED.
4. American Idol auditions
4. "Lost": because how ELSE will I finally know the whole truth about the truth?
5. Ohlin's Bakery in Belmont: best Cinnamon Maple Buns EVER. EVER.
6. My Snuggies (yes plural).
7. Laughing today at ManLosch telling me how our dog decided to try to eat some other dog poop in the park today.
8. My new Flip videocamera: I post right to YouTube! It's so amazing. Love it.
9. ManLosch's Coach Messengers Bag dance every time he comes home from using it.
10. All the baby fish that are sprouting up in our fish tank(I think we have very horny fish).
11. Yoga with Jill.
12. The excitement I feel when I cook something new.
13. A hopeful trip to Seattle? (but that's a long time away and many things could happen in between)
14. One of my film pictures posted on Flickr actually being used in a map guide for Miami (score).
15. Jersey Shore (I KNOW I KNOW.....I know. I know. BUT CMONNNNNNN).
Ready for the next 200 posts with me?? You know you are.
12 January 2010
Where Are You?
Forever yours,
11 January 2010
Exactly What I Needed
10 January 2010
And On Another Note....
We're watching Jurassic Park right now, because, well, ManLosch wanted to hear the theme music, and the only time he's turned the channel is to see the score of some playoff game. So we're actually watching the movie, and I'm listening to Jeff Goldblum speak. And about half the lines he's said so far, I've actually heard in other movies. "And there it is."
"Must go faster."
08 January 2010
Holy Sh*t
07 January 2010
Do You Smell That?
That's right. I'm a nerd. I'm a total book nerd and I LOVE IT. So shut up.
I signed up finally for a library card there, since I had been a huge fan of the Boston Public Library. But mi amiga and co-worker Nora (who also lives in Belmont) got her card a few weeks ago maybe at the Belmont one and said how much she loved it. So after 2 1/2 years, I finally decided to get one. Finally.
And I was so happy I did. I'm such a nerd. Already took out 3 books and-
(WHERE THE FUCK IS COLT MCCOY?! C'mon Texas, I put money on this game........ok I didn't actually put money on this game, but dammit!!!)
Anyway, I also got a DVD. I'm a very proud bookworm and can't wait to read these books...especially one that seems a little strange but it was too freakin weird to NOT have taken it out. Ask me later.
Back to reading (and secretly cursing Alabama to lose..I mean they have the Heisman winner and if the Heisman curse holds true....THEY SHOULD LOSE......ok ok, I'm done).
06 January 2010
Feet, Frogs, and Yoga
3) Two women walked in late. Who walks in late to yoga? You interuppted my flow.
4) Two said late women decided to come all the way to back and sit on either side of me, even though there was NO ROOM.
7) While using the bands for a different stretch, a man sighed out loud with "Ohhh yeeaaaa."
8)While stretching our legs out to the side, Foot Frannie decided to use my mat as her personal foot rest. I took a peek back while doing this stretch:
And I saw her foot on my mat. ON MY MAT. I shifted back a little to hopefully pretend to sit on her foot by accident.
9) While in Frog Pose:
I had the chance to have my feet facing Foot Frannie, so I inched my legs as far apart as I could so she could check out MY feet, maybe smell it a little (I know I know, I'm horrible, but I didn't shove my foot in her face either). Ended up stretching my legs more than I wanted.
And at the end? She didn't even apologize for coming in late and taking up more space than necessary. I about punched her. And when Nina walked by, I could smell her B.O. from also just teaching a Pilates class. And the strange part? I actually had a good workout, even after all that shit. Go Aykesha.
04 January 2010
Flip Flip!
Actually....let's just include it now.
Enjoy! Or laugh out loud. Or cry.
03 January 2010
-Let the photographer choose the different shots. Wasn't that particular.
02 January 2010
Jersey Shaw
So on Facebook, there is an application that allows you to create your own Jersey Shore nickname. I did my name and ManLosch's name. Ahem:
01 January 2010
New Year's Decade
So many things have happened in 10 years, that I remember (and alot that I don't), that makes it crazy to think that 10 years has gone by! Here are just some of things that I've done, seen, smiled at, cried at, etc:
Left Mount Vernon, NY for Miami, FL. Barely looked back.
Left Miami, FL for Boston, MA. Have looked back. Almost everyday.
Dated. Broke up. Dated. Broke up. Went to the movies. He wore a pinky ring (deal breaker).
Dated again. Broke up. Dated. And this time, I married him.
Ate alot of ramen. Probably my weight in ramen. And alot of Lucky Charms. Dorm life.
Got 2 degrees by 23 years old.
Had some pretty awesome jobs. Had some pretty shitty jobs.
Seen more of the country and world since being with my husband.
Adopted a dog.
Joined a college marching band (because how else would I have met the hubs?)
Joined a college marching band sorority.
Gone through 10 cell phones.
Went to all 4 BCS football games.
Been to 2 funerals in 2 weeks.
Saw the Hurricanes play in the sun. In the rain. In an impending hurricane. And in the snow.
Walked in rain up to calves, barefoot. Walked in snow, up to my calves, not barefoot.
Fell in love too many times.
Connected with my dad. Lost it. Connected again. Lost it. Connected again. Lost it. (Repeat many many times).
Had 2 pet turtles. Had a crazy hamster. Hamster died in his own outhouse (crazy huh?)
Saw Ludacris and danced in the crowd at his concert on campus in a tropical storm.
Learned how to drive. Watched man drive on sidewalk in Miami shortly thereafter.
I'm sure there are alot more. But even just reminiscing about the things I've done in a decade brings back some good memories. I'm actually excited to create some new ones this decade. Hopefully more good than bad. And hopefully ones that will make other people excited too. :)
31 December 2009
Auld Lang Syne My Dear
(you like my birthday shirt?? thanks Stef & Ryan)