Happy Mother's Day to any and all beautiful strong mamas out there. This is my first Mother's Day, even though I DID get a secret present from ManLosch last year for being totally knocked up and secretly glowing (with morning sickness....but whatevs). So I wanted to dedicate today's writing to all the mama's out there who have helped me over the last few months:
My mom and mom-in-law: no words. Can't explain. Just yes. Thanks. Ha. I mean...you get it right????
Michele F.: my beautiful sis-in-law. Thanks for letting us visit you in Vegas nonetheless and helping us with Jovie. And thanks for understanding my need to go to as many Babies R' Us' as stately possible.
Nikki S.: another lovely sis-in-law. My nieces are so gorgeous and thank you for the words of wisdom in my first few days of motherhood. It was appreciated more than you know.
Emily F.: you are one of the strongest mamas I know. You endured IVF, blogged about it, and had 2 beautiful twin baby girls last August. You still manage to be crafty and clean your house, all while juggling and watching Harper and Stella. You've let me call you and bitch and moan and you were one of my strongest supporters, and for that, I love you pinky-toe tent buddy.
Catherine M.: you gave me lots of tough love. Like grow-a-set tough love. But you also truly understood how fussy Jovie really was and didn't just brush me off like alot of people did. Thanks for the vacuum tip. My house was clean for weeks!
Jeannie M: also another strong mama who apparently can still garden while her awesome baby naps through it all and eats like it's going out of style. My baby is just the exact opposite, but you are awesome!
Carolyn B.: Delaney is gorgeous and we'll all still be helping you find a cure for C.F.! She's a tough cookie and is doing so fab because of your love and nurturing.
Jamie G.: Thanks for that over hour-long conversation in the early days! It was just nice to hear the "yea he did that too, and I promise it gets better" side of things. And I've always remembered you telling me about J.B.'s "firsts" that the daycare didn't tell you about. So when someone DOES tell me? I punch them in the teeth.
Sam B. (when are you changing it to Y?): you are THE most hippie mother I know. And your son is awesome because of it. Thanks for the advice in the beginning and telling me not to worry. You were a true breath of fresh air when I needed it.
Rebecca "Borics" P.: you let me cry on the phone in the first few weeks and told me not to give up (even though eventually, I kinda DID a little, lol) but I followed your advice and I've been a much better mother because of it. And Jovie is even telling me that too while she screams from the living room. :)
Trev. P: even from NY, you always checked in on me to see how things were. To feel that kind of support when you have NO idea what's going on anymore is probably something I can't really put into words.
I know I left some of you mama's off of this list, but don't worry. There will most likely be another installment of shout out's and love. I wanted to share some of the love of received today with all of you because I could not be more grateful that I have a wonderful husband and a gorgeous daughter. Lexi Losch has a kid. Holy sh*t.
Happy Mother's Day. :-)