24 March 2009

Professional Endeavor

I've decided to start my own business! Yes, that's right. Lexi Losch is going into business for herself. I'm a huge fan of educating the kids, so what better way to do that than opening up a center for kids to congregate? Welcome to:

"The Center for Things Lexi Can't Do or Doesn't Do Well but Wants to Teach Kids To Do Good."

Zoolander is my inspiration and I'll be asking him for some start up money.

The idea for this came about on Sunday when discussing my lack of interest for skiing, but that I'd love to teach kids how to ski anyway. Ryan said "But they'd fail." I told him that they wouldn't; that they'd know to do the exact opposite of what I told them to do (pizza.....french fries....). Below, find a list of classes that I'd offer (based on the name of the center):

Skiing (Learn how to put the long things on that take you down a hill or whatever)
Calculus...or any Math for that matter (1+1=2??? Nah, let's look at that again..)
Sports (Wait, basketball DOESN'T have a quarterback??)
Moonwalking (This class may have a size limit based on the instructor)
Drawing (Look, just put the glue on your hands and peel it off, I don't know where the pencils are)
Drinking (They have to learn SOMETIME, right? Why not with a responsible adult?)
Singing ( If Sanjaya can make it, so can you!!)
Fixing Computers (Kick it twice and if it still doesn't work, get the bat)

And this is just the beginning! I'm still looking for sponsors just in case, so if you're willing to help, feel free to send all your money, I mean, a kind donation, to my home address. But I only take cash. Remember, I'm not really all that great with math.

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