15 November 2009

LaLosch Learns About "Load Bearing Members"

And wouldn't you like to know exactly what that is????
It sounds like......yea. EXACTLY THAT. It's so awesome.

But, unfornately, it's not what you think. I had ManLosch teach me some architecture words today, kinda like 1st grade flash cards. Architecture for True Dummies. We were eating a fabulous lunch at Pizza Hut today after Mass (which by the way, they brought back the holy water AND the "Peace Be With You's....ehhhhhh) and I said "So teach me something architecturally related." ManLosch says,"That's a little vague babe. What do you want to know?" I said, "I dunno, something that will make me sound like the smartest person alive. Like I want to tell someone they look like something architecturally related and they'll have no idea what the hell I'm talking about."

So he thinks. And he says "Cupola." I said, "Who?" He said, "A cupola. It's like, uh, it's always on a roof. It's often an ornamental feature." I said, "Like the Capitol building in D.C.?" He says, "No that's a dome." (BTW people, we came back to this and I was right. He finally knew which piece I was talking about)

Then we started talking about how engineers make it work and architects make it pretty, and that you need an architectural engineer to be your consultant. I asked him why he can't ask a civil engineer. He said "Because they are mainly responsible for LARGE INFRASTRUCTURAL PROJECTS." I said, "Whoa, whoa. What's that? That's phrase number 2." He said, "Like all the roadwork you see, highways, bridges, etc." (Why they can't just say bridges and crap, I don't understand).

Then he looked at me, smiled, and said "Load Bearing Members." I said, "WHAT?! Wait, not here. Not at Pizza Hut. Really??" He laughed and said, "That's a phrase. I knew you'd like it." I said, "What the hell?! What is that? As far as I know, a load bearing member is....." He said, "Well basically, you are a load bearing member. I am too. The furniture is too. Architects have to take into account all structural members that carry a load, like weight."

I was all too happy with this last one and all day, I've been pointing out load bearing members. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! I also taught myself "geodesic dome" a few months ago, so everything I said today sounded a little like:

"Your large geodesic structural project of a face looks a little like Johnny is holding onto a load bearing member."

I LOVE architecture.

1 comment:

  1. You totally mixed up "Load Bearing Members" with one of your other new terms, "Live Load." But that's okay, I appreciate the effort.
