30 January 2010

Creepy People Magnet

I think I've figured out my purpose in life. Jesus placed me on this wonderful Earth to be a creepy people magnet.

So I'm waiting for the bus tonight right? I had just come from downtown to get my hair done and get the last birthday gift for ManLosch. I'm reading while I'm waiting and all of a sudden someone starts talking to me. And it's the dude that collects the shopping carts at Shaw's (grocery store up here). I see him usually when I'm walking to and from the car and I'll normally give a smile and a wave. He's a little....slow? I'm not even sure that's the right word to use. So anyway, I'm reading and he notices me and says hi. I smile and say hi and try to go back to reading. He asks me "Are you reading for class?" I said, "No. I just like to read."

Long awkward pause.

He then says, "I don't know how to read." I think, WHAT? Huh? Wtf? Ok. Okay, am I being tested here? He continues to tell me about how he can't read or really write, but he's taking classes for that and his dialect. From here on out, he told me his entire life story. He's from Africa. His mother and his sister are nurses. He also wants to be an actor and takes acting classes.....

As I retold this story to ManLosch, he laughed and said "Wait, he wants to be an actor? How does he read the script?"

Wait, he's also a back-up dancer. He takes dancing classes in Waltham. And he likes being around educated people. And he likes to draw in his spare time, when he's not working at Shaw's or taking his dialect/reading/writing classes. Or when he's getting a haircut for his Open House for his classes tomorrow. He's also writing a book; it's his life story. And he's acting in a movie about Obama right now and when it's done he's going to give me a copy (and no, I have no idea how he's writing a book about his life if he can't read or write.....)

He talked to me for 20 minutes while waiting for the bus and the ENTIRE bus ride home.
SERIOUSLY. I'm a magnet.


  1. Why is it that all the grocery cart collector guys are the SAME types of fellas no matter where your grocery store is? I've had a similar experience. Maybe we're just cursed with being pretty girls :-P What a travesty. Be careful and don't get Lexi-napped.

  2. lol - Next time simply say, "Parlez-vous français?" and pretend you're a non English-speaking French stewardess enjoying a lay-over ;-)
