24 February 2010

New Lost Theory!!

ManLosch and I got into a conversation during a commercial last night for "Lost." I think we've come up with the best theory so far to explain the show.

  • Me: Man I used to love watching Muppet Babies. That cartoon was so fuckin' stupid though.
  • ManLosch: Nuh uh, it was just little muppets. Baby muppets. Muppet Babies. I used to watch it.
  • Me: I used to hate that we could never see the grandmother, was her name Nana?
  • ManLosch: Yea. It's like Charlie Brown too; how we could never see the adults? I thought they were cool, always going on little adventures in the closet and stuff.
  • Me: That was just stupid. Gonzo was stupid though, with that nose. He always was doing shit on his own, thinking he could be the boss.
  • ManLosch: Oh man...Gonzo is like Sawyer!!
  • Me: Whaaaaat?
  • ManLosch: Yea! Sawyer is always on his own, exploring things, like a rebel. And Kermit is like Jack. Kermit is the leader, kinda quiet, but he kinda just became the leader.
  • Me: So are you saying that Ms. Piggy is Kate?! I don't see Ms. Piggy carrying a gun around getting arrested.
  • ManLosch: Well both Gonzo and Kermit wanna jump those piggy bones.
  • Me: Good point. Rolph would be Charlie. And who would be Hurley then?
  • ManLosch: C'mon Lex. FOZZIE BEAR. C'monnnnnn.
  • Me: OMG you're awful Ry. Awful. But it's sooo true. So do you think Animal would be like Ben? Just ruthless, letting his own kid get shot?
  • ManLosch: Or the Smoke Monster.
  • Me: Maybe this is it Ryan. Maybe we've figured out the secret to Lost. Maybe....
  • ManLosch: The Muppet Babies ARE Lost? That when they go into the closet to play, they are really on the island?
  • Me: YES! Because when they emerge from the closet, it was all just fake anyway. So this is all a dream. A Muppet Babies play area.
  • ManLosch: I think people would be pissed to find out that all this time, we were watching some muppets.
  • Me: Ehhh....I think people are already pissed. We want answers. And the Muppet Babies theory is about the best one so far.


  1. omg that is hilarious. any possibly sooo true.


  2. Kermit didn't want anything of the sort.

    And Muppet Babies was AMAZING.

  3. I feel like I've seen Lost all my life now... thanks!

  4. And let's not forget the all-important Nanny/Jacob, always watching over everyone, controlling what they do while allowing them to think it was their own choice.

  5. OMG, I think you unlocked it! Seriously, it makes sense. You know they did make Muppet Treasure ISLAND! I'm going to be thinking of more connections soon... :))
