Well, half snow day. We were released at noon. And the snow didn't really start until later, and even now, it's off and on.
What have I done since I got home? I ate some nasty KFC (and when I say nasty, I mean oh so good because it's oh so bad for me), took a nap, read some of my magazine, slept, and watched the Verizon dude plop around our apartment for over 3 hours trying to fix our TV Guide/Widgets thing. So about 7 people and 50 resets later, it's FINALLY working. His name is Jason ladies and I don't know if he's single, but he does have dogs and has a great sense of humor. We do have his personal business card now too. I think he became a Losch today.
(and yes, I AM pimping out the Verizon guy....it's EXACTLY what it sounds like).
On to more productive things...like cooking, reading more blogs, and hopefully starting some writing tonight. :-)
Write, write, write Lexi! I wanna read your writings!