Yesterday, I was at the Downtown Crossing T station to head to the airport to meet my sister-in-law who is here to watch Jovie for the week. Jovie was sleeping in the Baby Bjorn and a nice Chinese woman started talking to me. She asked me how old the baby was. She then asked "It's girl?" I said it was (cmon, her ears are pierced now, get with the program please).
She then said, "Oh, light skin. You mom?"
I knew this would happen. I knew the day would come when someone would question whether or not Jovie was my daughter. It happened a little more subtly at the Park Street Station once (hmm..I'm gathering a theme here). But this was the first time someone has blatantly asked me. I always told myself that I'd remain calm when it happened because well, people are people. I did try. I told her that I was. She then said "Oh. Portuguese?" I was getting increasingly agitated. I said "My husband? He's white." She said "Oh. So you black. He white. Good." GOOD????
So what if she wasn't my biological daughter? I was carrying her and protecting her with love. Is it "good" because my equation to her now made sense as to why my daughter is so light? Jovie popped her eyes open, and then at that point, I was so annoyed, tired, and frustrated, I just got up and walked away. I know it shouldn't frustrate me. But it does a little. It does bother me that only because she has light skin, would someone assume she isn't mine. She damn sure looks like me. Her mean attitude is definitely mine. What if she had darker skin? Would she not be as beautiful in the eyes of others?
I know. I need to get over it. And I have. But still. Just feel me, ok??