22 February 2011

Day 9

Five Things You Want To Do

  1. Write a book.
  2. Go to Australia.
  3. Figure out how to be a good mom.
  4. Serve at a soup kitchen in the next few months.
  5. Be a guidance counselor for high school kids.


  1. 1. Grow my own food
    2. fly
    3. Run a marathon
    4. discover the key in which to unlock the mental chains on the American Blacks
    5. Live in a house run on solar energy

  2. 1. Become multilingual.
    2. Earn a Ph.D.
    3. Find happiness (whatever I determine that to mean).
    4. Have kids. Two, maybe three.
    5. I *REALLY* the post about discovering the key to unlock the mental chains on the American Black. YES!

  3. 1. Help cure CF so Delaney can live a normal life
    2. Go on a Disney Mediterranean cruise
    3. See Europe
    4. Go back on a cruise to Alaska
    5. Find a way that I can be a SAHM but still use my degree and earn some extra dough
