10 April 2009

Overdue Tribute

This is 2 or 3 years overdue, but I salute you Jim Cantore of The Weather Channel. In fact, I slightly adore you.

The frequency with which I'd watch The Weather Channel increased when I moved to South Florida, the land of hurricanes, random tornadoes every now and then, and rain beyond rain. When I lived off campus, I was more concerned about hurricane season due to a car being out in the open environment where a tree could land on it, losing a roof, etc., so I watched TWC and first saw Jim Cantore. He had such a passion for the weather, telling one hurricane "Enough is enough" that we could NOT stop watching him and kept TWC on all evening. That hurricane did not rip off our roof, but one that came rolling through 2 months later did pull up our roof enough that we had leaks in our ceiling. But thanks to Jim Cantore's reporting, we were prepared with tons of canned crap we normally wouldnt eat other than when NOT having power for a week and took long showers the night before just in case.

If you see Jim Cantore in your town, that's probably not a good sign. You should probably pack up and leave for a few days, as death and destruction will soon follow. But we appreciate your fearless reporting and love of all things weather-related. This was long overdue, but you're a total rockstar Jimmy.

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