29 April 2009

Sharing is Caring...

...or not getting pummeled by 5,840 pounds of steel, plastic, and glass. In other words:

I've tried to be patient. I've tried to just suck it up. But I can't anymore. If you ride a bicycle in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, SHARE THE F*&!ING ROAD!!!!!!! There's even a flashing sign now on my way to work to remind us all to share the road. But I've found that bicyclists love to create their own rules. That they can be a car when they want and a pedestrian when they want. For example, not following traffic lights and weaving in and out of cars causing people to slam on their brakes. You, awful cyclist, obviously can't go the speed limit, so move over to the side of the road as close to the curb as you can. I don't WANT to hit you, but so help me, next time you don't move over and follow the rules, you can expect a headlight hanging from your helmet.


  1. I agree that the same way that we share the road with bikers, they need to share the road with us. That said, one of my biker friends once got a ticket for going over the 35 MPH speed limit on his bike. he tried to fight it but lost.

    And be careful with bikers, they can be mean-this same friend once was being tailgated by some random woman. She had her window open and thought it was a good idea to mouth off to him at a stop light for whatever reason and he took a huge mouthful of water from his camel pak and spat it out on her and sped off...crazy bikers!

  2. aaahahahahahahahaha. that's pretty awesome. i mean, i wouldn't do that, but still. that's pretty funny.
