08 February 2011

Day 1

Five Basic Facts About You

  1. I was born in Mount Vernon, New York and I should have been born in Queens.
  2. I lived in Miami for 7 for years and I miss it terribly, except for our awful neighbors that even our next door neighbor called "marielitos." She was Cuban herself.
  3. I gave birth to 7lb 2oz little girl on December 14, 2010 and surprised the hell out of everyone because everyone thought I was having a boy.
  4. Even though I've lived in Metro-Boston for 3.5 years, I am still a Yankees fan. RedSox can suck it.
  5. I was in marching band in college. I met my husband, my godmother, my daughter's godparents, and my best friends in marching band.


  1. 1. I'm a wife to my loving husband.
    2. I'm a mother to my two wonderful girls.
    3. I was born in Brooklyn lived there til I was 13 lived in far rock after that.
    4. I'm a happy go the flow kind of girl.
    5.I made some of my best friends in college!

  2. 1. I was born in the Bronx, NY but I grew up in Mount Vernon, NY.
    2. Dorm life during Undergrad on Long Island were some of the best and worst times of my life.
    3. I gave birth to a wonderful little terror 7lb12oz on August 6th 2010. Everyone thought she would be born on my birthday, but she had other plans.
    4. I'm an avid music listener/lover with thousands of MP3/ downloads and roughly 1000 CDs.
    5. I'm an introvert who met my husband in ... SCHOOL.

  3. 1. I'm lefthanded.
    2. I am the eldest of 3 boys.
    3. I was born in White Plains, NY and was raised in Money Earnin' Mount Vernon.
    4. I play the flute.
    5. I love love love to travel.
