19 February 2011

Day 6

Five Things You Do When You're Bored

  1.  Write (blog, journal, essay, whatever).
  2. Read (yea I'm a total nerd).
  3. Pretend like I have money and shop (more like window shop, but it's ok).
  4. Eat (because I'm still tiny even after having a baby and I don't gain weight, so it's fun)
  5. Take pictures. I'm not great at photography, but it's still fun to go outside and take pictures of random things.


  1. I'm still tiny even after having a baby and I don't gain weight, so it's fun

    Now that's just mean.

  2. 1. Eat.
    2. Sleep.
    3. Watch TV.
    4. Surf the interweb.
    5. Masturbate (closely tied to #4).
