12 February 2011

Day 3

Five Ways You Break The Ice

  1. Talk about the shitty weather up here in Massachusetts.
  2. Talk about the fact that I used to live in Miami. For some reason, people find this extremely fascinating. It's not like I used to deal drugs or live like "Miami Vice" or anything.
  3. Make a joke about anything. I find myself to be a humorous person, so I try to make jokes whenever I can to lighten a situation.
  4. Talk about latest books one has read. I always find it interesting to see what people like to read and if they don't, why they don't like to read.  This also can lead into writing and other creative interests.
  5. Ke$ha's latest awful song. C'mon, she's AWFUL!!!!!


  1. Ke$ha bashing is like a gateway into automatic best friends, for me.

  2. 1. Make a joke. Usually it's a cynical and/or sarcastic joke, but a joke nonetheless.
    2. Talk about the weather...I think everyone does that no matter where you are.
    3. Talk about food. Who doesn't like food?!
    4. Talk about the New York Yankees (or my hatred for ALL teams Boston).
    5. Lady Gaga.
