30 April 2012

In Which I Ask Claire To Babysit

me: claire, how do you feel about babysitting?
Claire: i have never babysat for a kid as young as jovie before
  i think the youngest I've done is something like 5
  but I'd be willing to learn
  if you could prepare me
  and instruct me
me: i'm just kidding
  i wouldn't subject you to the possible horror
 Claire: she's a little terror?
me: of course she is
  she's 16.5 months
  and she's my child
  she's CRAZY, with all capital letters.
Claire: cray cray
me: i started calling her T.J. this weekend for Tyrannosaurus Jovie
  Ryan wants to rename her "Trouble"
Claire: or at least make it her middle name
  though i like sophia
 me: so do i, but now when she's in trouble, we use "Jovie Sophia"
Claire: so cute
me: hmmm
  in theory yes
  in action no
  yesterday afternoon she:
 tried to wash her hands in the dog bowl, tried to and successfully stepped on the dog's tail   multiple times
  turned the oven burner knobs
  reorganized the bottom cabinets
 got halfway out the doggie door before we realized it
  used a play pot from her kitchen as a stool
  used her play activity table as a stool
  used the dog as a stool
  shared cake with the dog
  used a plastic golf club shaped like a carrot to access what she wanted on the kitchen counter
  used Mommy as a stool
  made Mommy read "Dora's Color Adventures" twice
 made Daddy read "Dora's Color Adventures" twice, 5 minutes after Mommy read it twice
  now i shall ask you again Claire.........
  are you sure you want to babysit?
Claire: well when you put it that way

27 April 2012


I've noticed that since I became a mother, I'm less concerned with my physical appearance. Well in a way. Let me explain.
While I'm still not happy with the way my stomach looks (not even close to somewhat flat...I'll even take flat with no tone...but I digress), I will now choose comfort over trying to look cute. Flats are my best friend. I will wear green gym shorts, a red shirt and pink socks to the grocery store and not think anything of it.

I still don't wear makeup, so that hasn't changed.

The best example are what I call my Jesus sandals. They are brown Dr. Scholl's sandals that are the most comfortable things EVAH!
These are my sandals in black, so just imagine them in brown. My little hippie Jesus sandals. And I love them and the old Lexi would care what people thought, especially a hip group of black people. Now? Imagine the Bernie Mac voice saying "I don't give a fuuuuuuu*k." Those things make my feet happy and when I have to lift 20+ lbs of child daily, constantly, HOURLY, because she doesn't feel like walking anymore, well then ya best have some comfy shoes. Because I'm not the Beckhams or the Carters, so I don't have nannies. I'm even wearing them today at work.

Now that my hair is natural, I'll throw that bad boy up and won't even comb out the ponytail sometimes (I know, this is bad, especially for the sistahs with natural hair) but I can get by! It doesn't look bad. Oh, I have bags under my eyes? Oh ok great! I look 5 months pregnant? Thanks inconsiderate asshole. Because eventually, I'll care again somewhat. But for now, I prefer very comfortable loose clothing and Jesus sandals to showcase the worn mom-of-a-toddler look.

But hey, my arms look toned and bitchin' now.

01 April 2012

Green, errr Brown? Thumb

So I tried my hand at a green thumb. My co-worker Sara gave me a piece of her aloe plant so I could try my hand at gardening. I repotted him yesterday and have named him Satchmo. I don't think he likes me though, so Satchmo may not live very long.

I was so inspired that when Jovie and I went to Home Depot yesterday morning, I bought 3 more pots and 3 packages of seeds. One for flowers, cilantro, and basil. All 4 pots are chillin like homies outside in the sun. I gave them all some water yesterday, but who knows if it was enough. I'm terrible at this kind of shit. I will keep you all updated on the progress of my 4 potted babies. I will name the other ones once I see something sprout (c'mon, I can't get attached to 4 pots....).