29 September 2010

Ummmm Yeeaaa

There's a commercial for something called a Fuzzoodle.


Uhhh.....so.....it's a pipe cleaner....that serves the same purpose as a Mr. Potato Head, but Mr. Potato Head is way cooler????????

Hm. Well then. I feel as if my time has just been wasted. Thanks.

22 September 2010

Help Out Our Friends!

If you're interested in doing a good thing, all I'm asking you to do today is vote. What is it for, you ask? Well I'll tell you bitches. It's for research and helping babies with cystic fibrosis through Pepsi. Now I know what you're saying. "I don't even LIKE Pepsi and Lexi wants me to vote...." Yes. Yes I am. The top 2 ideas receive $250,000. Right now, this idea/grant is only at #3 and voting goes for another 8 days!!! You know you want to vote. Just for me. If you do, I'll be super happy and it'll make utero BabyLosch happy for another baby. It's like some weird baby kindred spirit thing.
So just do it. I'll love you forever and ever and ever. And did I say ever? :)

15 September 2010

Commuting Sucks

I hate driving to work. That's really about it. They've been doing construction on my street since June and it backs up traffic and people get rancid and then I get extra rancid and it's just not a good situation for anyone. I'd rather stay home and work.

13 September 2010

I Don't Know You But...

I watched the Today show this morning while eating breakfast. I just turned the tv on to check the weather very quickly but then one of the stories caught my eye. A woman named Erin Wood just recently lost her husband. They are expecting their first child in November. He steered their car directly into the crash to take the entire impact of the crash while shielding her. He sacrificed his own life for his wife's and their unborn child. They didn't even know if it's a boy or girl.

So I'm watching them interview her and I just start bawling. ManLosch comes in the living room and asks what's wrong and I just point. If you read the article, then you'll read that they found heroin, cocaine, and marijuana in the car that caused the crash. It also killed the 2 guys in the backseat. This story just stuck with me all day. I re-told it at work and everytime I did, I almost started crying again. She mentioned that she just tries to keep eating right and taking care of herself to distract her from the pain of losing him; that he'd want her to take care of the baby. Enter MORE tears.

Erin Wood, I don't know you, but I am praying for you and your family. Your husband reminds me of mine, which probably made me cry even harder. I can't even imagine that kind of pain and I know there's nothing anyone can say or do right now that will make it better. But please know that this stranger over here in Boston has you and your baby in her prayers and hopes that others will too.

07 September 2010

Meet the Doctors

There was an event tonight at the hospital where I have all of my prenatal care done. It was called "Meet the Doctors" so you can meet all of the doctors in this group of physicians that can possibly be on call when you go into labor. Obviously, one of them is your OB/GYN, but they like you to meet the others and ask questions. It was a pretty packed auditorium. ManLosch was unable to come with me, but it did not stop me from going.

I did send him a text that said, "Wow there's alot of preggos here." He said, "Um, what did you expect?" I said, "Well I know but still. It's alot." You could definitely tell you were in a room with all pregnant women because all you heard were snack bags opening and crunching and the guzzling of water. It reminded me a little of this:

Also, it was like being in high school again. All the pregnant women checking out each other's bellies, wondering how far along the other one is, pointing, mumbling. It was a bit much for me. WAY too much estrogen for me. I'm way too much estrogen for me, so imagine being in a room full of preggos. I overheard this conversation happen:
Wife: Ok, watch my bag, I have to pee.
Husband: Wait, where are you going?
Wife: I said I had to pee.
Husband: AGAIN?!

Dear husbands.......YES AGAIN. If you haven't gotten in through your skulls yet that we pee alot and can't help it, I don't know what to tell you at this point. ManLosch doesn't even glance twice when I'm up and about peeing like 20 times a day. I don't even know if I have control of my own bladder anymore. Anyway, back to this event. It was actually nice. Except for the 2 year old kicking my seat behind me (get used to it huh?) and screaming the entire time. Otherwise, it was informative and I feel alot more confident about the network of doctors we may be dealing with come December. I also got to talk one-on-one with my doctor which was nice because I L-O-V-E her. She gave me some advice until I see her again. 

It's amazing how time is flying by!

06 September 2010

109 Days Left

Either the horrible vent at work made me sick or ManLosch did. I started to feel it Friday afternoon and I've been down with a cold ever since. Sunday was the worst of the days and today at least, I feel a little better.

I've got 109 days left to go! I can't wait for this kid to get here. I don't think I'm cut out for the pregnancy business. I am very excited to be a mother though. So even though everyone loves to give me their advice with "Just wait until the kid gets here, you REALLY won't get any sleep," I kinda don't care. Not that your advice isn't welcome, but I already know this. It still doesn't negate the fact that RIGHT NOW, the child in utero kicks me all day and all night and prevents me from sleeping as well as I used to. But again, I already know that my life is going to change dramatically. Maybe because I've been through so many life changes already, that I am welcoming this change with open arms now. Yeah I'll be tired and cranky and not as available. But I knew all that would happen. So suck on that world.

Otherwise, this Labor Day weekend has been slightly uneventful, mainly due to the fact that I've not been feeling great. ManLosch will hopefully finish the crib next weekend. And we may have more updates later, but well...we'll see how everything goes this week. :-)