17 December 2008


Christmas is here. Again. Wasn't it just here? And why am I so jaded this year? I LOVE CHRISTMAS.

This year though...meh. I'm not quite feelin it yet. I haven't even started my shopping. And if I sit through one more Christmas special on TV with people singing the SAME Christmas songs over and over and over....well, I just don't know Margo (yea, thats whats on the tv right now, could you tell????). My level of enthusiasm is as high as someone who is getting raped by a polar bear while standing in line to vote in the presidential election (yea, i wasn't too enthused with that decade long campaign either). Maybe I'm just tired. Maybe I'm like a cranky child who needs a nap.

I'll try a nap and get back to you.

1 comment:

  1. It’s bad enough having to stand in line, but to get raped by a polar bear too??? Man, that’s two types of harsh.
