08 November 2011

Inspector Gadget

Yesterday, I realized that I had a free episode of Inspector Gadget on my iPod. Who didn't love watching Inspector Gadget growing up? If you didn't just stop reading now and go make some bread or something.

I started watching the episode while working; it's just like listening to a podcast or music. You prop it up and keep working while glancing. While watching this episode, that yes I'd seen a million BAJILLION times before, some questions came up that I may have asked before, or at least make you question certain things as an adult.

1. Who are Penny's parents? I mean , she lived with her ROBOT uncle, but I mean , was she taken into Child Protective Custody or something? There's never been a mention of real parents. Human parents.

2. Why did the Chief always deliver the self-destruct piece of paper in disguise? Also, did he not know that each time, Gadget would ball it up and throw it in his general vicinity?

3. I asked Ryan why the Chief couldn't just email the message. He said "Because they didn't have email then." So they didn't have email, but Penny had a super duper computer hidden inside of a BOOK that could basically do whatever the hell she wanted it to do, but it COULDN'T SEND OR RECEIVE email?? Hmm. Highly suspect.

4. Did Penny ever finish school? Because she was always out of school going on these adventures and saving her ROBOT UNCLE.

5. Dr. Claw could technically be reported for animal abuse. In this episode, he smacked MadCat to the backseat of his car! Like actually smacked. It's not the cat's fault that shit ain't goin right. Perhaps he needs new henchmen or better plans. But leave the cat alone.

6. Did the Chief secretly know that Penny and Brain were behind all of this? Because if that's the case, take the batteries out of Gadget and just hire Penny on full time. Homegirl ain't gonna go to college at this rate, if she keeps watching over her uncle like she's Precious or something. She might as well just be employed full time with benefits for her and Brain.

7. Was there a very last episode of Inspector Gadget? If so, did Dr. Claw STILL say, "I'll get you next time Gadget, next time??" Because there wouldn't BE a next time. So does that also mean now that Dr. Claw is unemployed? Is he part of the recession?

1 comment:

  1. I was crying from laughing so hard at your insightful questions. I particularly love #s 6 and 7. :-) Thanks Lexi, I needed that.
