30 November 2011

On Why I Have a Love/Hate Relationship with Facebook

It consumes a decent portion of my day. Facebook. It is there, looming....teasing....saying (4)Facebook, meaning that I have 4 new comments or things related to me. I can't NOT check them.....

Facebook has given me a way to keep in touch with those I like and tolerate, people I've lost touch with that I can check in with every now and again, and just a new way to communicate with friends. And yes, we're all guilty of checking Facebook to ensure that we're still doing better than our nemeses in high school, college, etc. We all do it. So own up to it. And yes, everything we post, we can make a choice to post it as private, for close friends, for everyone, etc. But Facebook....ugh.

Okay, so here's the thing. I get pissed when people respond to my posts with snark, something demeaning, something unrelated, and just plain foolish. This is a public forum and I shouldn't feel the need to defend my actions, stance, opinions, etc. especially on my own wall. I think it's more of the WORDS used to convey the response that usually irks me. I just want everyone to relax. I will continue to try to do whatever I want and if it doesn't work? At least I tried. Or at least I spoke up. Or at least I poured my heart into it(or a person). I sent a tweet once....ONCE...in a weekend where I said it was nice to be off the map for a bit. Pretty much everyone commented with "Well if you're tweeting, you aren't really off the map..." Really?? Was that necessary? I sent ONE tweet. Is it that big of a deal? Maybe I meant that I was just relaxing and not taking calls or responding to texts.

And I've had those moments where I start typing "I think it's time to do a Facebook cleanse." But it sounds douchey. There's no need for me to announce it..what like a WARNING? Who cares? Unfortunately some people do. Like the unfortunate time someone defriended me because they weren't invited to a party. Boo-effin-hoo. I can easily unfriend those who make stupid comments but.....

.....then it goes right back to "Well maybe they were having an off day" or "Maybe they'll step in poop tomorrow so I can laugh silently about karma and her ways." I could easily just deactivate my profile. I could easily just defriend the meanies and the ones who constantly spout their hard right or hard left opinions over and over and over. But the real question is.....is it even worth it??

Facebook, how did you get such a hold on me?


  1. I hear ya. There's a lot of snark on the web, people tend to get balls when they're on a computer that they'd never have in a face-to-face encounter. So, let the haters be consumed in their hate and continue doing what your awesome self is doing. Love to ya, chiquita.

  2. Or I hate when you want to unfriend someone and they beat you to it...what the hell am I, a kindergartener? It throws your whole day off. I was about to privatize my profile to Skankonia and the bitch beat me at my own game and unfriended me. LIKE I WANTED TO BE FRIENDS WITH HER IN THE FIRST PLACE. UGH.

    What a worthless C U Next Tuesday! UGH! I could shove her down the stairs and laugh I was so angry. But still so glad. UGH.

  3. Ha! Mine actually says (4)Facebook right now! Yeah, FB is such a good/awful thing in so many ways. Those d-bag people that say stupid crap or act like they're 12 annoy me too. Boo on them.
