25 January 2011

State of the House

This evening, the Losch's bring you the State of the House address. (applause)

Everything sucks. There is no sleep. There is no sanity.

That is all. (applause)


  1. Wow... just wow. It can't be that bad...

  2. :( Lexi, you are so funny even during the worst of times. I have deep empathy right now. My mom spent the night with the baby and did all the diaper changing so we could sleep 3 hours at a time, and it was like heaven. And I am still tired and weepy. I tried to watch Obama's State of the Union last night and it was so not happening.

    I'm sending good vibes for strength and a quick turnaround for Jovie!

    P.S. I think it's wild that our daughters' names are so similar. We had Juliana's name picked out months ago, and when I saw Jovie Sophia's name, I was like, "Oh, Lexi is going to think I copied her!" I guess we both have good taste. :)

  3. P.P.S. As I type, my baby is eating and pooping in my lap. Look at us both multitasking...

  4. Jeannie I wish it was just diaper changes and poop! Jovie is an awful baby. We sleep 30 minutes at a time. I sobbed the other night.
    And of course I know you didn't copy her name! Sophia is just a great name as are names that start with "J" :)
