21 June 2009

Snuggable Weekend

I went to NY this weekend. My best friend, Marcus, and I threw a party. Every now and then you need an excuse just to invite people over and have a party. Except we didn't. We just named it "Marcus' and Lexi's Excuse to Drink Party." I mean really, do you need a better reason to come chill and have a good time in the summer? And it reminded me that it can be nice to just see people and meet people and make stupid conversation. After about a double dose of whiskey, the following conversation happened between me and a few high school friends:

Pros and Cons of the Snuggie.

I am a fan of the Snuggie, I can't lie. Marcus informed me that if I ever buy one, he will disown me. Ryan will not buy me a Snuggie, so I tried to convince everyone that it's a good idea so maybe Ryan would change his mind. Instead, I think it just went downhill. I once called the house phone (which is in Ryan's office) from our COUCH because I was too cold (or lazy) to get the remote myself. Yes. I am guilty, but anytime that story is told, laughter ensues. If I would have had the Snuggie, I would have remained warm and would have reached for the remote myself. Still, after about a good 30 minutes, no one besides my friend Michelle thought the Snuggie would be a good idea. Thanks Michelle. We'll continue to fight the Snuggie fight.

Anyway, at around 2:00am, people kinda filtered out. At around 4:15am, we all decided it might be a good idea to go to sleep. But I wanted to share that I had a really great time with some really great people this weekend. Plus, I totally got a new pair of shoes, so yea. I'm in heaven. :)

Attempt #1 and #2

Attempt #3 and #4 (it took us a little while!!)


  1. Speaking of party excuses... We've thrown our 3rd official start of the summer bbq last week... lol. I think we need another good excuse to have a cookout!

  2. is peter trying to cut my penis in attempt #1?!?!?! i had such a great time. i didn't want you to leave, but like you said i'll see you again in 2 weeks. :)

  3. Snuggie, I have a friend who wants to buy me one because I am always complaining about being cold when I visit her house and the house is very cold and the heat does not help. Hey, maybe I will buy one so I can get my heater back. Just Kidding!!!!

  4. Even if I bought the Snuggie, I would still be responsible for getting the remote, because it might require an extra extension of the arm, which is definitely not in the realm of post-work Lexi activities ;-)
    And in case anyone wants proof (although she's not denying it), I still have the message from couch to house saved on the answering machine.
