23 July 2009


I'm an avid So You Think You Can Dance watcher. And my favorite girl, and pretty much the judges favorite, just got voted off. Because you didn't vote for her America. You let Janette get voted off. Srsly. And she was a Miami girl.

I've lost faith in the competition reality show voting process. Eff you America. Srsly.


  1. OMG! I KNOW!!!!!!!! I absolutely felt the same way when I watched last week's show. Helloooo?? I believe every single judge has said she was their favorite! She was definitely THE best dancer on that show. SOOOO disappointing!!

  2. And yet "special" Evan is still somehow on the show. How he even made it to the top ten is beyond me. Wait, did I just admit to watching So You Think You Can Dance? Oh well, I'm married. I'm comfortable enough in my manhood...I think...
