02 July 2009

Canada Bound, Ay

I'm headed to Canada tomorrow morning bitches. Which means I'm traveling internationally. Which means I don't have an international cell phone plan. Which means, NO MOBILE BLOGGING (sad panda face).

However, my hotel has free Canadian internets in the room, so we'll see. I don't wanna get charged for that internet money(if you DON'T know this reference.....then God help us all). A few of my friends have found it quite ironic that I'm leaving the country for the 4th of July. It is a little ironic, but you know what? I'm full of ironic twists and turns, so shut up and read my blog.

I'm going with my best friend, his roommate, and her friend. And apparently, our mutual friend will be up there too. Why is everyone going to Montreal for the 4th of July? Either way, I have to find my passport. Actually, Ryan has to find my passport. If I didn't have Ryan, I probably would lose my hand in the dishwasher or something. Anytime I get some important document (hmmm..like a passport...a marriage certificate..), he immediately takes it from me like a little kid and stores it somewhere secret and safe, because if I ever found out where it was, I'd somehow lose it within 30 seconds of possession. I'll let him pack my bag too. He always packs my bag when we go somewhere because if I did it, a bet a goat would end up in my bag, because I'm a horrible packer. I just throw stuff in and call it a day. He rolls things, organizes shit, and somehow can fit 3 days worth of clothes for me AND him in ONE CARRY-ON piece of luggage. No ladies...he is NOT up for grabs. He is MY personal assistant, thank YOU very much. :)

So anyway, I'll try to keep you in the Canadian loops. I'll miss you all terribly (no seriously, I will).

Until then, here's Reason #583 why you should never fly into O'Hare: http://www.cnn.com/2009/TRAVEL/07/02/airport.delays/index.html

(You will miss my randomness for the next 3 days...don't lie. Muah. Smooches)


  1. Gimme some of that internet money.

  2. How fun! Where in Canada are you going? Montreal? Is it your first time? We live not far from downtown Montreal. It's a cool city, lots of things to do!
