16 August 2010

Shorty Got Low....

I spoke to my 7 year niece today on the phone. She also loves her some Uncle ManLosch. More than me I think. My sis-in-law just had another bambina, so check out the convo between us.

  • Me: Hi Kayla, how are you?
  • Kayla (my niece): Fine! Where's Uncle Ryan??
  • Me: He's not home yet. How do you like being a big sister now? How many days have you been a big sister?
  • Kayla: I like it. She's 7 days old now. She looks like my Mommy.
  • Me: Wow. Look at you big sister. You look like your Mommy too. Did you get her any presents?
  • Kayla: Nuh uh, I look like my Daddy! Yes, I got her..um..one of those..um, one piece things. And uh, something else.
  • Me: Did you get any gifts too for being a big sister?
  • Kayla: Yes! I got Applebottom jeans from my Daddy.
  • Me: Did you get boots with the fur too??
  • Kayla: Ummmm......huh???


  1. Hahaha! I literally laughed out loud reading this. Thanks for helping me procrastinate ;-)

  2. That's a hecka cute conversation!

  3. Adorable! My teenage niece (Justin's brother's kid) keeps calling to ask if we know the gender yet... because she is worried that if we have a girl, it might inherit some of Grandma's jewelry, and she wants it ALL. Precious.
