21 February 2011

Day 8

Five Things You're Known For

  1. The girl who loves to dance at weddings (someone once mentioned hiring me as entertainment..don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing).
  2. Doing the Elaine dance at work at random moments during the day.
  3. Turning my lips inside out (yea you don't want to know).
  4. The girl that somehow ends up in funny and strange situations, thus giving me strange and somewhat hilarious blogging material.
  5. My love of shoes. LOVE LOVE LOVE SHOES.


  1. 1. OMG, LEX! i have to steal your #1. I just went to a wedding over the weekend and everyone was like "Come on, Marcus! Dance!" All I heard was, "Dance, negro, dance!" And so I danced.
    2. Being an asshole.
    3. Remembering random things (i.e. people's birthdays).
    4. Parallel parking. My mother definitely taught me well.
    5. My fat ass.

  2. I'm no good with these sorts of lists, so I haven't been able to contribute with a list of my own... but I wanted to add one that I thought of for your list above. That would be... photos of you eating landmarks and other things... i.e. Lexi eating the Space Needle, Lexi eating a goalpost, Lexi eating a penguin. You're so good at setting them up and they're always classic photos. I've got you eating Chicago in my wedding album! :-)
