03 April 2010

Sexy Black Guy and One Asian Kid

Once again, I rode the T this afternoon into downtown Boston and 2 guys get on the train. They introduce themselves as "Sexy Black Guy and One Asian Kid" as their stage/show names. This was AFTER I got shoved into the doorway of the train to make room for them to do their show. I looked at them and the Sexy Black Guy said, "Why the dirty look, ma?" I looked at him like "REALLY? You HAVE to ask?"

I'm going to plead my case one more time: when you ask people to move on a crowded train just so you can do some flips in the aisle to some Michael Jackson music, DON'T expect a warm reception. So the Sexy Black Guy says, "Oh c'mon. I moved all the way out here from LA, and I want to feel welcome in Boston." To which I semi-loudly replied, "Well you came to the wrong city for THAT." Really, you came to Boston for a warm welcome? HA!

I just can't seem to shake the dancing guys on moving trains.


  1. lol, maybe you have an internal GPS for those dudes?

  2. Next weekend we can't start up our own routine. Sexy/angry Black Girl and a Jew. It will be hot.

  3. You see them all on the train. Sun comes out and the warm air brings them all out in Boston.

  4. I have still never experienced a singing or dancing train experience. I get on the train with the hobo's and their trash bags full of bottles and cans. The ones wearing tattered clothes who stink who start talking to themselves and anyone who will listen. I'd rather be on your trains!
