19 May 2009

Rain rain go the *!?@ away!!

It's Tuesday night and 8:53pm. We're FINALLY in Florida but we've been driving since a little before 8am this morning from NC. We're both getting tired but we're about 2 hrs away (we made some stops). I took over the driving at the beginning of Georgia and guess what? The MINUTE we got back on I-95, Mother Nature decided I was a horrible bitch and opened up her heavens on me. It poured for the 4 hours I drove. Nice right? Also hit traffic. First time we hit traffic AND rain since we left Massachusetts. We stopped and had dinner in Cocoa Beach and I saw the BEST sign on a church. It said, "Not even a roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris will get you into heaven."

Yeeeeeeaaaaaa. Roadtrip's are awesome. :-)
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed


  1. Isn't it always like that? As soon as you get behind the wheel on a roadtrip, it starts downpouring, you head into traffic... Argh! They're still a lot of fun tho!

    Love that Chuck Norris sign, lol! :)

    Have fun!

  2. How was the weave holding up??
