24 May 2009

THOSE people

You know those people who take forever to order something? And they stand together DISCUSSING the menu while there are people behind them hungry and ready to order??? Yea, the people in this photo did EXACTLY that in 2 different places. First at Jamba Juice and about 5 minutes later at Einstein's. The situation had a high shank factor, considering my hunger was about a Category 4 on the Losch Hunger Scale(there's only 5). I almost just walked in front of them because I was convinced they wouldn't have even noticed.

Yea that was a completely pointless share. You know you love it.
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  1. Oh I can see all the facial expressions with this one. The shank factor had to be HUGE, LOL!!! We have to eat when we are hungry. Get your grub on girl!!!

  2. LOL!
    I feel your pain...
    But, I have to admit... it has happened to me before! Got to the counter, and couldn't make up my mind! OOPS!

  3. But there's getting to the counter and not making up your mind and then there's getting to the counter, speaking 3 different languages and DISCUSSING the menu. Like pros and cons of each thing. No no no no no no no no......... lol

  4. This is funny. My mom is one of THOSE people (well, not those people in your photo... but definitely one of those people in general!). It drives me insane.

    That is hilarious you took a photo of it. haha!
