08 October 2009

Stuff Lexi Likes #3

(Before we move on, I just want to let you all know that Purina responded to me by sending me 3 coupons: 1 for free Purina crap, and the other 2 allow me to save $1 off some more Purina crap...oh and a computer generated postcard telling me they were happy for my inquiry, blah blah blah....effin Purina.)

Continuing on with things from the book "Stuff White People Like," we will continue to learn just exactly how white I may be.

#69 Mos Def
C'mon though, this isn't even fair. I like him. C'moooonnnnnnnnnnn.

#75 Threatening to Move to Canada
How many times have I threatened to leave the U.S. to live in Canada? My rationale? Canadians don't bother anyone ever. That has to be all kinds of awesome. Then I remember they have winter too and that I already don't do so well in Boston.

#79 Modern Furniture
I love IKEA. You know you do too. Don't even play. It's also affordable on my salary. And most likely yours too! So go there now and buy me a snazzy new lamp.

#81 Graduate School
What? Was I supposed to find a job with a Bachelor's in Psych?! No one warned me how useless the liberal arts are except when you're arguing with someone (in which you probably aren't getting paid, unless you're a lawyer, in which case, you aren't using your liberal arts undergraduate degree for that). Grad School was the best option, and guess what? I loved it. Suck on that.

#83 Bad Memories of High School
It's not my fault that I had to go through a metal detector every day and people got shot and stabbed just as often as a nympho goes through a box of lambskin prophylactics.

Stay tuned.......

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