07 October 2009

Updates from a Recliner

You like updates on my life. So keep reading. Yea...go on....you know you want to....

I normally DON'T blog about work. That's my biggest rule about my blog. But I'm sorry, I can't NOT share the fact that someone at work has swine flu...oh wait, sorry, H1N1. Yes. The first confirmed case. At my job. And it's not a large company, so even though the name of the unfortunate victim wasn't in the email, we all freakin know who it is. And when we received that email, EVERYONE freaked out. I mean, people were running into the kitchen to grab hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes. I swear I'm not lying. People congregated around desks to discuss swine flu and how they don't want it (look, if you all congregate TOGETHER, you're more apt to pass germs....ever think about THAT???).

Besides that, the other biggest event of the day was the bag of popcorn that didn't make it all the way down in the vending machine. People spent money to try to buy other heavier things to push the popcorn down. There was even a wire hanger involved, along with shaking the machine, hitting the machine, sticking a knife in the machine, and hands and arms. Welcome to my job.

(Okay, I will probably NEVER blog about work again, considering the above wasn't really all that revealing or funny or insulting, but whatever. I can't break the rule.)

So I'm at yoga tonight and Nina tells us that the schedule is changing. They are moving my 6pm Hatha Yoga to 7:30. But guess who is teaching it? My fave instructor JILL!! I nearly sharted, I was so damn happy (I didn't really). So I'm super excited for next week. And since it was the last class for now with Nina, she asked us what our favorite poses were, and I completely rocked my class today. I had a great yoga session. Score.

See? I told you that you'd want to read about my life.

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