04 June 2010

How To Sleep In An Airport

Any suggestions on how to close my eyes without getting my shit stolen?

1) Close one eye and keep one eye open?
2) Politely ask a stranger if I can lay in their lap?
3) Make a bed on the floor in the corner with all the stuff I packed and set my alarm?
4) Ask why the flight was delayed and demand a room at the airport Hyatt until the flight leaves, with transportation to and from the terminal?
5) Fart until enough people around me move so I can have the entire area to myself?
6) Close both eyes and just fuckin sleep and pray that my shit doesn't get stolen?


  1. Uggggghhh, I've been there so many times. Once it was in the George Bush International Airport with a bunch of enraged cowboys because a tropical storm had hit and all the hotels were booked.

    Here's what I do: Find a place to lie down underneath some chairs. Use a piece of luggage for a pillow. Weave arms and legs through the handles of all my luggage so someone would have to drag me with them if they tried to steal it. Try to sleep on an ice cold, hard floor amidst ornery cowboys, screaming babies, bright fluorescent lights, and those people-moving trucks roaring past.

    Wheee, good luck!

    Sometimes the airline will give you free pillows, blankets, and snacks if you complain.

  2. What jeannie says.

    Def. use your luggage as a makeshift pillow as much as possible. Watch out for puddles, funny colored unidentifiable remains of other travelers and dust bunnies.

  3. Girls, I ended up doing NONE OF THE ABOVE. My gate got moved after my flight got delayed even more, so walking from one end of the airport to the other definitely woke me up; not to mention the women who thought it was appropriate to make farm noises with her children quite loudly.
