02 June 2010

Maximum Boob

So I was going to use this post to talk about how my dog seems to be racist, but instead I have to vent.

So I just so happened to be checking out some friend's photos on Facebook. They were some photos of a wedding that has happened in the last few months or so. I dunno. It actually doesn't matter. Either way, ladies. LADIES. If you normally wear a size 10 and God has blessed you with some boobies, PLEASE do not try to stuff those boobies into a XS dress. This is exactly why I can't find my fuckin' size in any stores. Because of 39FFF boobie women like you. It's not even cute cleavage. It's like "Hey I want to show off my boobs and the best way to do that is by wearing this dress I found in my closet from 8th grade and letting my nips sit right at the edge of the dress, allowing maximum boob."

NO. Not ok. I have some coupons for the Gap if you like. Let's go shopping. And please put down the XS. No one ever said it was easy being skinny (being naturally skinny when you don't want to be). But at least leave my size so I CAN buy a new dress. Thanks.


  1. Couldn't disagree with you more. Ladies, bring on the maximum boobage and us guys will certainly pay attention to you. It's for your benefit, in the long run.

  2. Jordan may very well be racist. But that's not the point. The point in reference to this post is that Jordan wears fur that fits him appropriately for his cleavage :)
