28 February 2010

Plain Perspective

Today, I dragged ManLosch to the ICA today (Institute of Contemporary Art) in downtown Boston. I heart this place.

So anyway, the exhibits are pretty much mostly on the 4th floor, where you see those lights in the window in the picture above. And if you stand there and look out the window, you can see Charlestown and Logan Int'l Airport. Why is this important? Well because I'll admit now: While I have a ton of mixed emotions about flying, I LOVE watching planes take off and land. Maybe it's the rhythmic orchestration of it all. Maybe I see it as an art form itself.

I like to play this game too when I watch planes take off. I like to guess what a random person in a random seat is doing while taking off, or while in the air. So as I was leaving one exhibit, I stopped to watch a plane take off. ManLosch asked me why I was stopping and I pointed. So I said, "17C...the women is dying for a cigarette and since she's an addict, she's chewing Nicorette and nervously picking at her cuticles. The man next to her is reading a newspaper and wondering why she's picking her cuticles but won't ask her. Your turn." He says, "All of that, but there's a baby in the back of the plane crying. Because there's always a crying baby on a plane." I said, "That's not very imaginative. C'mon be original. You aren't fascinated that when you look out and see a plane taking off, it looks smaller than what it is, but it's got 150-200 people on it all doing different things?" He says, "Not really. I'm more fascinated with how they get that thing in the air."

So now I've come to the point of my entry tonight. Perspective. We're looking at the same exact thing, but we see two completely different things. Because ManLosch is for all intents and purposes, an architect, he sees things structurally and he sees things that need to have an equation for them to make sense. I see a bunch of random shit in random colors and make up random stories about most of what I see. It's just amazing when you have those moments when you realize just how different you are from others. And all it took was an airplane.

What about you? What do you think about/see when you see a plane taking off?

27 February 2010

Flickr Photo Project

One blog that I follow posts photo projects every now and then. This month, she posted a photo project where she gave a list of words or phrases and we were left to our own devices to snap shots of what we thought it represented. This was the first time I participated in a project like this and I enjoyed it alot! Check out my 26 things below, and feel free to always check my photos at Flickr.

26 February 2010

Train In Vain

I had a half day at work today. I took the afternoon off and went downtown to get my hair done (look, my hairdresser was all booked up tomorrow doing some whore's weave). I took advantage of this opportunity to go to write at Grub Street, since they aren't open on the weekends. After I got my hair done, I went to Grub Street, did some internetting and some writing, and left about 15 minutes before they closed.

In order to get home, I have to take the train. I got on the train and all of a sudden I heard a boombox and some clapping. There were two black guys getting ready to do some train dancing, which is something I really only ever see when I'm home in NY. One says, "Welcome to the show, 'Dancing on a Moving Train.' Please, if you like what you see let us know. Dig deep, don't be cheap."

First of all, you need to come up with a better title for your "show." You really thought I'd watch you with "Dancing on a Moving Train??" Fuck you buddy.

Second, your sayings weren't that clever. "Dig deep, don't be cheap" and "If you liked the show, let a black man know" did not make me want to give you money. At all. It didn't sound smart, it sounded stupid.

Third, and last, YOU DIDN'T EVEN DANCE! You did a few shuffles in a circle, you moved your beanie hat around, and you then decided to do some FLIPS in the aisle of the train (and train aisles aren't that wide on the MBTA...in fact usually they aren't that wide in America). You shuffled for about 2 minutes TOTAL and hustled some people out of money?? Well, in all honesty, that makes you smart and everyone else stupid, but still. At least produce a quality show next time and I may decide to glance up from my corner priority seat and my book to let a black man know that I appreciate his efforts.

25 February 2010

The Adventures of Lenti Losch #2

1 week down from Lent. This is probably the first time I've not lashed out on anyone from severe caffeine deficiency. I mean, I drink coffee, but there's nothing like a cold soda straight from the fridge....yea I'm an addict. I have been experiencing a few more headaches lately (which does happen when I go all cold turkey from the cool, crisp taste of a can of Pepsi...drooool).

I haven't written any of my notes yet either. I've been very busy trying to write this contest entry for Grub Street. It's finally done. And even as I sit here, I'm staring at my email, a little afraid to send it. I am a little proud of myself, so I'm hoping this is motivating enough to get writing a whole lot more.

On to Fish Friday's now...

24 February 2010

New Lost Theory!!

ManLosch and I got into a conversation during a commercial last night for "Lost." I think we've come up with the best theory so far to explain the show.

  • Me: Man I used to love watching Muppet Babies. That cartoon was so fuckin' stupid though.
  • ManLosch: Nuh uh, it was just little muppets. Baby muppets. Muppet Babies. I used to watch it.
  • Me: I used to hate that we could never see the grandmother, was her name Nana?
  • ManLosch: Yea. It's like Charlie Brown too; how we could never see the adults? I thought they were cool, always going on little adventures in the closet and stuff.
  • Me: That was just stupid. Gonzo was stupid though, with that nose. He always was doing shit on his own, thinking he could be the boss.
  • ManLosch: Oh man...Gonzo is like Sawyer!!
  • Me: Whaaaaat?
  • ManLosch: Yea! Sawyer is always on his own, exploring things, like a rebel. And Kermit is like Jack. Kermit is the leader, kinda quiet, but he kinda just became the leader.
  • Me: So are you saying that Ms. Piggy is Kate?! I don't see Ms. Piggy carrying a gun around getting arrested.
  • ManLosch: Well both Gonzo and Kermit wanna jump those piggy bones.
  • Me: Good point. Rolph would be Charlie. And who would be Hurley then?
  • ManLosch: C'mon Lex. FOZZIE BEAR. C'monnnnnn.
  • Me: OMG you're awful Ry. Awful. But it's sooo true. So do you think Animal would be like Ben? Just ruthless, letting his own kid get shot?
  • ManLosch: Or the Smoke Monster.
  • Me: Maybe this is it Ryan. Maybe we've figured out the secret to Lost. Maybe....
  • ManLosch: The Muppet Babies ARE Lost? That when they go into the closet to play, they are really on the island?
  • Me: YES! Because when they emerge from the closet, it was all just fake anyway. So this is all a dream. A Muppet Babies play area.
  • ManLosch: I think people would be pissed to find out that all this time, we were watching some muppets.
  • Me: Ehhh....I think people are already pissed. We want answers. And the Muppet Babies theory is about the best one so far.

23 February 2010

LoschDog Is Mucho Musical

So for those that DON'T know, ManLosch and I met in college. And we met in marching band (ok go on...laugh and make your band geek jokes now...I'll wait.......finished?). So for the most part, we're REAL music nerds. So much that we named the tables at our wedding after instruments found in the marching band....and the fight song was played at our wedding..and our programs..ok. Let me just stop now. So the conversation below shouldn't be a surprise to you...(and I can explain it later if you don't get it)

  • ManLosch: Jordan, slow down, damn.
  • Me: He's thirsty, leave him.
  • ManLosch: But that's why he dribbles all over the carpet.
  • Me: Do you hear that though?
  • ManLosch: Hear what? No?
  • Me: Our pup drinks in triplets! 1,2,3,1,2,3 lap,lap, lap, drink, drink, drink.
  • ManLosch: HA! He does. You nerd.
  • Me: Trip-a-let, Trip-a-let, Trip-a-let....(smiles)

22 February 2010

Girl, you WRONG

Look, I know you're all going to think I'm wrong after telling this story, but shit, it is what it is.

So I walked into the ladies room this morning to tinkle. I was in a little bit of a daze. I opened the door, and when you walk into the ladies room, the first thing you really see is the door/opening to the handicapped stall. I looked and saw these frumpy looking black shoes/sneakers and they were quite large.

So I nearly shit myself and almost said out loud "SHIT, did I fuckin walk into the men's room?!" Considering I was in a daze, I really thought I did and almost said "Oh my God, I'm so sorry." But then a woman totally walked out of the stall, looking like she just left Middle Earth. I wanted to sit her down and say "Please let me brush your hair sistagirl and give you some Keds or something."

I'm not the queen of fashion here, but when I walk into the ladies room and think I walked into the men's room???? C'mon. C'MON.

20 February 2010

Baby It's (Not) Cold Outside

I don't know if Boston is experiencing a warmer winter or what, but it reached about 50 degrees today at some point. It was so nice that ManLosch and I decided to leave the confines of the apartment and venture the mean downtown streets of Boston (okay, not that mean).  Didn't really have any plans but to walk around and take some pictures, be lazy...the USUAL.

Why did I see all these motherfuckers in shorts, t-shirts, and flip flops????? SOMEWHERE NOT EVERYWHERE, it reached 50, and I'm sure it didn't last. For the most part today, it was in the 40's. Which means, it's still winter. Which means you should be dressed appropriately. So why did we see some whore draggin' her raggedy ass toes in cheap flip flops down Newbury Street? We also saw a group of Latino men walk into a Chipotle in shorts and t-shirts. ManLosch says "I bet $5 they just came from playing soccer. They're actually dressed for it." I said, "No. I bet $100 they DIDN'T come from playing soccer, but that they want you to BELIEVE they just came from playing soccer as an excuse to dress that way in public." ManLosch laughed, but then nodded in defeat because he knew I was probably right.

Look, I know that it's nice to have warmer weather when we all have to bundle up everyday. But it's still not cool to act like it's summertime outside. We live in Boston. And it's February. Please act like it.

18 February 2010

Damn Delta Miles

So apparently Delta Airlines threatened me; well not really. I had all these miles I hadn't used and they were about to expire. So I was given the option of keeping the miles by essentially PURCHASING a safeguard for them (um, didn't I do that when I bought the tickets?!) OR getting a shit ton of magazine subscriptions.

If you know me, you know what I did.

Yep. Magazine subscriptions. I did this weeks ago, so of course, I don't remember what I used my miles for, but because I had a decent amount of miles, I got a few subscriptions. So imagine my surprise, since I didn't remember what I checked off, when "Martha Stewart Living" arrived 2 days ago. I'm like, "Oh cool! This is the best way to explore magazines I would have never thought to check out." But today I got "Arthur Frommers: Budget Travel." So my guess is that I may have been drinking when I did these selections, because I distinctly remember being disappointed that porno magazines were NOT an option here.

Ahhh well. Back to learning how to tend to my non-existent garden.

17 February 2010

The Adventures of Lenti Losch #1

It's a bird!
It's a plane!

No bitches, it's just me. Welcome to my weekly update on Lent!

First things first: I am not the poster child for all things Catholic and Lent. I feel like ashes on the forehead on a WEDNESDAY mind you, shouldn't be cause to look at me strange and point and say "Uh...you got...wait, uh...." for me to then respond and sigh for the millionth time, "It's Ash Wednesday."  Also, the joke about "You got a little dirt/smudge/shit on your forehead there.." is not funny anymore. I am not the walking PSA for reminding you that you should have gone to Mass. If you didn't even remember it was Ash Wednesday on your own, I can't help you kid. You're on your own...WITHOUT my ashes.

So hey there! Lent. 40 days of sacrifice. 40 days of self-reflection. After this morning's Mass and a good talk with a good friend, I realized that I have ALOT to think about and work on. In addition to some heavy self reflection and meditation, I'm giving up soda. I am also taking on a task! This is new for me. I am going to write 40 notes to 40 different people to tell them something good about themselves. It can be on a Post-It, a letter, anything. Just something to make someone smile. It can be a stranger, family, or a friend. Obviously I expect NOTHING in return, but this is meant for me to notice people more. To notice all the great things about the people that I surround myself with.

Anyway, it's been an exhausting day and it's time for me to relax. 39 days to go guys! Woot!      

16 February 2010

It's About To Begin...

The countdown has begun. Lent starts in an hour and a half. 40 days. Are you participating? If so, have you thought about what you're giving up or what you want to do to better yourself?

I will be using the next few months for some self-reflection, and hopefully a ton of meditation. Okay, maybe just a little more than usual. More on my reflections and observations tomorrow. Right now, I gots to get myself to bed in preparation for the next 40 days.

Am I ready? Probably not. But then again, I never am. ;-)

15 February 2010

The Olympics, or White People Doing White People Shit


The Olympics are on. First, let me preface this by saying I am saddened that some dude died while PRACTICING on the luge thing. Let me now say "GUYS, HE WAS ONLY PRACTICING?! NOBODY TESTED THIS SHIT BEFOREHAND?!?!"

And there you have it. 2 weeks of white people doing things that only white people care about. Am I racist? Again, no. I married a white man, which has helped me gain an all-access-granted view into the wonderful world occupied by white folks. The only thing ever interesting about the Olympics are when people fall, trip, fight (not even sure this happens, but I can hope), poison their opponents (maybe back when Greece first started these games? again a girl can hope...), or just utterly wipe out and smack their face against something hard.

ManLosch loves the Olympics. He loves it so much that he DVR's this shit. I'm not sure we've watched normal people tv since the Olympics started a few days ago. What have I been doing since then you ask? Glancing up at the Olympics, looking at the dog, sleeping, reading, writing, sleeping, playing with the dog, laughing at the Asians who took each other out during speed skating, and that's about it. I'm amazed that people can compete against each other over a span of two weeks and people love watching this crap! I watched some of the opening ceremonies and didn't see many black people...did I miss them? I fell asleep right around the time I said, "Aren't those ethnically diverse Native Americans tired of dancing in place yet? They've been dancing for 89 countries now...."

Now, if I were allowed to pick the different events for the Olympics, we might be looking at:
-Hair-weaving: How fast and neat can you put in a girl's weave with minimal breaks?
-Cooking contest: Who can cook a pan of fried chicken, mac & cheese, and collards first? You will be judged on speed AND taste.
-Grey's Anatomy Trivia: Who said, "Pick me, choose me, love me?"
-Wii Bowling: Grab a beer, some popcorn, and see who gets the best score.
-Texting: We all do it. Now who can do it the fastest with no mistakes? Now who can do it the fastest with gloves on? (I mean, it's STILL the Winter Olympics)
-Dance Competition: Whoever is left standing at the end is the winner. There will be all types of genres played to appeal to all participants. Except Taylor Swift.

Also, Kanye West will be at my Olympics to upstage anyone who wins the gold, therefore moving you from nobody to P.Diddy in a matter of minutes. You know you're interested. Now grab your torch and let's go cross country snow luge tubing.

14 February 2010

LoschDog Turns 6

My baby is growing up!! Yes he shares a birthday with Valentine's Day, but he also shares a birthday with my father-in-law (Happy Birthday Dad!) and a co-worker of mine (Happy Birthday____). He got some dental chews from his Loschs, played around in the park today while his mama took photos, and got some extra rubs. I also plan on baking him some doggie friendly treats later.

I don't like to imagine the day that he's going to be too old to romp around like he does, so for now, Happy Birthday Jordan. You got a long way to go babe.

Valentine's Day

It's another motherfuckin' post about Valentine's Day. And it's another post about someone telling you what they think of the day. So if that's not what you want to read today, peace out. Come back tomorrow, or maybe later today.

So check it: I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day. I feel that:
1) It should not be called a holiday.
2) It's too focused on commercialism.

I love my husband. I love my friends. I love most of my family. Why should I buy a card, make expensive reservations, expect chocolates and roses, and diamonds on ONE day? Why should I expect ManLosch to take me out somewhere and spend 20% more on a prix fixe menu? Why do I need a card that sings or a stuffed bear that says "I Love You?" I'd prefer a handmade card, a personal painting, a note.....something that didn't cost a shit ton of money and meant nothing.

ManLosch usually always does something for me for V-Day too. He knows how I feel about the day and knows I'm not a flowers and candy kinda girl. Hell, I was the girl who scheduled herself to take the GRE exam ON Valentine's Day 6 years ago. He's taken me to dinner and spent more than he should have. But he's always done something that lets me know he's listening to me; last year he got me a book about a contemporary art exhibit we saw together in Boston. THAT's love. Showing me you care by showing me that you are in tune with who I am as a person, and that should happen any and every day of the year. Not just today. And we DID go see the movie "Valentine's Day" because it looked like it might be a clusterfuck of a movie with all of those stars in it, but it wasn't bad. My man PD was in it and I had to take in the McDreamy sexy. But at least there were some of the simple parts of Valentine's Day that I miss. Sigh.

Look people, just be smart today ok? Don't buy the overpriced, half dead roses! Fight the man and spend time with the people you love instead of spending empty money on them.
Alright....Valentine's Day rant is OVER. :-)

12 February 2010

I Want A Hug...

...but NOT with this:

ManLosch informed me that this is what he was getting me for Valentine's Day. It wraps around your body, with those freakishly stuffed Mickey Mouse-type hands. In the video, it even shows a dude using it at WORK. REALLY?! Someone ACTUALLY thought this was a good idea??

10 February 2010

Snow Day!

Well, half snow day. We were released at noon. And the snow didn't really start until later, and even now, it's off and on.
What have I done since I got home?  I ate some nasty KFC (and when I say nasty, I mean oh so good because it's oh so bad for me), took a nap, read some of my magazine, slept, and watched the Verizon dude plop around our apartment for over 3 hours trying to fix our TV Guide/Widgets thing. So about 7 people and 50 resets later, it's FINALLY working. His name is Jason ladies and I don't know if he's single, but he does have dogs and has a great sense of humor. We do have his personal business card now too. I think he became a Losch today.
(and yes, I AM pimping out the Verizon guy....it's EXACTLY what it sounds like).

On to more productive things...like cooking, reading more blogs, and hopefully starting some writing tonight. :-)

08 February 2010

I Have A Prompt!

I have a writing prompt! So ok, you know how I'm now a Grub Street member? Well I get their weekly emails too, and I noticed that they are having a writing contest. It's called The "Grub Gone...Blue" contest. I can submit a piece of fiction, nonfiction, or poetry, 600 words or less, related to the theme of "blue." So I have to decide what "blue" means to me. It's due Friday February 26th. What do you think????

I'm excited to try it, I think I might. Anyone have any ideas?

07 February 2010

Pooh Bear and The White Man

ManLosch and I went on a Jamaican food adventure last night. We waited longer than normal, as 4 black men were conversing very loudly about what they MIGHT order, but still hadn't ordered yet. Behind them, was a white dude who seemed nervous enough that he walked into a Jamaican food restaurant with his Screech-esque sidekick. BMAC is "Black Man At Counter."

  • BMAC: Man, I can't wait to get this home and eat! I'm so hungry! (long pause as his other friends shuffle about).
  • Me(to ManLosch): Then he needs to hurry the hell up so I can put my order in....
  • BMAC: Pooh Bear, Winnie the Pooooooh Bear........
  • Me: Ryan, PLEASE tell me you just heard that.
  • ManLosch: Heard what?.
  • Me: That dude was just singing the theme music to Winnie the Pooh Bear. A grown ass black man. In a restaurant. With 4 of his friends.
  • ManLosch: (holds in laughter)Uhhh, NO! I didn't hear that. Ha!
  • WhiteDude: (he's next to order and says to the server)Ummm I don't really know how this works....how do I order?
  • ManBehindCounter: Just tell me what you want.
  • Me(after we finally order and leave): So beyond the Pooh Bear interlude, I've discovered...white people need black people as wingmen.
  • ManLosch: WHAT?!.
  • Me: White people can't be trusted to know how to navigate things like soul food restaurants, rap concerts, etc. Ya'll need us. Think about it. I introduced you to all of these things, but TOGETHER. It reduces the level of awkward for both parties.
  • ManLosch: Hmmmm, I see your point.
  • Me: The same can be said for us. We need ya'll so we don't get arrested when trying to attempt certain things. We need you guys to help us navigate white people shit.
  • ManLosch: Like skiing?
  • Me: EXACTLY.

06 February 2010

LoschDog Vs. The Bone

My little old man likes rawhide. And this is what happens when we give him a bone to chew on.

05 February 2010

New Digs

Check the new digs. I'm trying it out. Tell me what you think. Or not. :-)