01 February 2010

Swift and Crappy

That about sums up what I saw of the Grammy's last night. It should have been called the Shammy's. Or the Shitty's. Okay, I'm going to stop. I've got just a few things to say about it.

The Grammy's do NOT need to be a 3 1/2 hour event. Really? C'mon. Also, was that REALLY the best you could do for Mike J? Like really, you got some singers to come together at the last minute to represent a UNICEF card while they all sang his Earth song? Oh, and the 3-D? AWFUL. I almost threw up from watching it. Mike J needs a better tribute than THAT last minute effort.

Jamie Foxx. Eh. I've heard that the girl who came on stage with Down Syndrome twerkin' it was your sister. I damn sure hope so. Otherwise, let's have a chat.

Taylor Swift. Ok. Let's get something straight. I don't like you bitch. You suck. You get on my nerves. And most people don't like you. So how in the sweet Lord's name did you win Album of the Year???!!? Oh right, I know. Because Kanye interrupted you at the VMA's and placed your sweet little ass on the map. You should have thanked Kanye for that award.

And I'm out.


  1. Will SOMEONE please sing their own music live? I don't like country, but at least those performers actually PERFORM! Come on Pop music. When Jamie Foxx has to apologize to Jay-Z for auto-tune at the end of his song, that should tell you something.

  2. ok, i thought the gaga/elton performance was great! the rap performance with lil wayne, drake, et al was inaudible (thanks for bleeping the whole goddamn song, cbs!). wtf was pink thinking with that cirque du soleil/water performance?! if that bitch had gotten me wet i would've fought her. probably would've lost (did you see how fit she is?!) but still i would've tried! beyonce was great, up until she got on all fours and started swinging her hair. i even liked her alanis cover. and that FUCKTARD taylor swift winning album of the year was all thanks to kanye. that fucker launched her career into the stratosphere, where i hope it asphyxiates. that's all i have to say. haha. weeks later, but not the least bit less pertinent.
