2009 comes to a close in 2 hours. And I see it as a way to start new. It's always a way to start new; to do things differently...hopefully to be better. Now don't get me wrong, alot of great things have happened in 2009, but alot of shitty things have happened too. And I want 2010 to be the Year of the Lexi, because I said that about 2009 too and it did NOT happen. So I'd like to share 10 things that I learned in 2009:
1) Don't ever make someone a priority when you are only an option.
I've learned this one HARD. You don't have to be in a romantic relationship to get hit with this son of a bitch. I'm the type of lady that, when you make me a priority, you will be treated with mutual respect and you'll know how much I love you. So in 2010? It's gonna be better. I hope.
2) All the vet bills are worth it.
Okay, LoschDog has been fairly pricey this year, and ManLosch and I get frustrated and curse. But Jordan is so worth it and I love him to death. He reminds you of the power of unconditional love and it feels so good.
3) There will always be bad drivers.
Pretty self-explanatory, huh?
4) Self-meditation is necessary in order to spend time with yourself and learn who you really are.
I will be practicing this one in 2010 alot. It's helped me alot the last few months, but I'm far from where I want to be.
5) Red Sox fans are still all kinds of awful.
I know, I know, alot of you who read this are Red Sox fans. And I still like you. But I still hate the stereotypical ones.
6) You have to give everyone a shot.
I've talked to strangers when most people shouldn't have. I even grew a set and asked DiDi for her email address after my writing class and we're now growing to be friends (I hope). I gave $5 to a homeless man outside of a Walgreens because I told ManLosch "What he does it with it is not for me to judge." And even though he turned out to be a little crazy, he was alright. Just give someone a shot. Stop shutting people out.
7) There's always a dealbreaker.
Not everything is totally unconditional. C'mon now. No matter how much you don't want to admit it (::cough cough pinky rings cough cough::), there is always something.
8) We should all make more of an effort to strengthen the connections we've made with people.
We're all guilty of it. We talk to people, form superficial bonds, and then leave it. From now on, be kind. Be thoughtful. Send a handwritten letter, a postcard; remind the people in your life EXACTLY why they are in your life.
9) Everyone should recognize the true power of Mother Nature by visiting a beach, a canyon, a forest, a waterfall, etc.
Going to Niagara Falls in November reminded me of all of the wonderful natural power around me. It was beautiful. And at some point, everyone should take in something that has the power to take your breath away, the power to make you sit and think, or just the power to do something better.
10) Writing is more therapeutic than I ever could have imagined.
And not just my blog. My journals, the writing class....it's been a good year for me in terms of my writing journey. And I want to make big plans for myself in terms of my writing for 2010, and I can't wait. 2009 was a good starting point.
So my lovelies....2009 is coming to a close. I wish you all a safe night, and a wonderful New Year. I will see you all tomorrow, next month, next year.....next decade. :-)
(you like my birthday shirt?? thanks Stef & Ryan)