18 December 2009

Tackiest Christmas Gifts

C'mon. Everyone, at some point, has received a horribly tacky Christmas gift (holiday gift, whatever). Something that makes you say "What the.....??" or "Who ARE you?" ManLosch was in middle school when he got a tacky Christmas sweater with a deer on it (he still owns it, don't let him fool you). One year, he also got a Halloween decoration. For Christmas. Tacky much?

Here are some of the tackiest Christmas gifts I think can be given:

A box of cake mix and a packet of gravy
A cat you found on the street prior to going over that person's house
A clearly worn shirt that you own, that the person has already seen you wear multiple times
A pool noodle
A pair of shoelaces and a bottle of shoe polish
Mrs. Fields cookies in a plaid bag that came from the supermarket 2 weeks after Christmas
Lingerie from your AuntCousin that is 3 sizes too big
A giftcard to PetSmart when you don't have any pets
A giftcard to Abercrombie when you aren't white
A membership to the "Cheese of the Month" club when you are lactose intolerant
A gift basket of lambskin prophylactics (and some of the boxes are missing a few)

Now if you want to know what I think are GREAT gifts.....just call me. There's a few days left until Christmas if you want to buy me something....I mean..ahem. Ya know.

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