06 January 2010

Feet, Frogs, and Yoga

There were SO many things wrong with yoga tonight, it's not even funny.

1) Jill wasn't teaching. Nina subbed for her. At least there was no partnering.
2) Nina looked at me and said "Now...I remember your name. Is it Aykesha?" WTF?!?!?! WHAT?! Is that even a real flippin name? SERIOUSLY?!
3) Two women walked in late. Who walks in late to yoga? You interuppted my flow.
4) Two said late women decided to come all the way to back and sit on either side of me, even though there was NO ROOM.
5) The one to my right didn't seem to care that she was all up in my personal Tadasana.
6) While using yoga bands:
Imagine using that, but lying down. Now put the band over your foot like above and stretch one leg up. Now take that leg and stretch it out straight to the side while holding the band. WHY WAS THAT BITCH'S FOOT 5 INCHES FROM MY FACE?! Because I could smell her foot. It was THAT close. It happened a few times. A few times too many.
7) While using the bands for a different stretch, a man sighed out loud with "Ohhh yeeaaaa."
8)While stretching our legs out to the side, Foot Frannie decided to use my mat as her personal foot rest. I took a peek back while doing this stretch:

And I saw her foot on my mat. ON MY MAT. I shifted back a little to hopefully pretend to sit on her foot by accident.
9) While in Frog Pose:

I had the chance to have my feet facing Foot Frannie, so I inched my legs as far apart as I could so she could check out MY feet, maybe smell it a little (I know I know, I'm horrible, but I didn't shove my foot in her face either). Ended up stretching my legs more than I wanted.

And at the end? She didn't even apologize for coming in late and taking up more space than necessary. I about punched her. And when Nina walked by, I could smell her B.O. from also just teaching a Pilates class. And the strange part? I actually had a good workout, even after all that shit. Go Aykesha.


  1. Was the "oooh yeaaa" guy the one who was the heavy breather who would flirt with that little chippy all the time? They were annoying.

  2. No Douchey Derrick and the Chippy now go to 6pm Pilates with Nina. They were too good for Hatha Yoga apparently.

  3. Wow...maybe you should take up yodeling? WAY LESS crowd control would be needed lol
