19 August 2010

Random Thoughts While Driving

I was driving to work yesterday and ended up behind this shuttle bus thing. The company is called "M&L Transit." I've seen this before and it's got a picture of a lion on it. So as I'm getting closer, I have this revelation.

That revelation is "OMG, it totally means Mouse and Lion Transit."  That totally makes sense. Well I get a little closer and I realize that the lion's mouth looks like he's wearing lipstick. His mouth is all red. So........uh...did he eat the mouse??

I google'd this company and found out that it stands for "Michael and Lisa," the people who started the company. So what's with the red mouth on the lion?? Anyone?

18 August 2010

Why Do I Watch This SH*T?!

Please someone tell me why I'm watching "Inside Edition." I've never actually watched it, but decided since I was being lazy tonight, I'd just leave the tv on where it was when we turned it off this morning. And I just had to share these headlines and stories with you:

"Who is that celebrity walking the streets in a tiger mask? We'll tell you!!"

"Why are there zebras running loose in Sacramento? We'll tell you!"

"Why is this beautiful model walking with a bandage on her leg? Kelly Schwartz, winner of Frank The Entertainer's reality show (side note: ya'll VH1 has got to stop with these reality crap shows) had the worst experience ever shaving. She cut herself shaving and a fly landed on her leg and laid eggs in the wound. Over the course of a few days, she was wondering why she was in so much pain and the lump was getting bigger and more red. She went to the emergency room where the doctors couldn't believe what they saw!"

Ya'll....I am NOT making this shit up.

16 August 2010

Shorty Got Low....

I spoke to my 7 year niece today on the phone. She also loves her some Uncle ManLosch. More than me I think. My sis-in-law just had another bambina, so check out the convo between us.

  • Me: Hi Kayla, how are you?
  • Kayla (my niece): Fine! Where's Uncle Ryan??
  • Me: He's not home yet. How do you like being a big sister now? How many days have you been a big sister?
  • Kayla: I like it. She's 7 days old now. She looks like my Mommy.
  • Me: Wow. Look at you big sister. You look like your Mommy too. Did you get her any presents?
  • Kayla: Nuh uh, I look like my Daddy! Yes, I got her..um..one of those..um, one piece things. And uh, something else.
  • Me: Did you get any gifts too for being a big sister?
  • Kayla: Yes! I got Applebottom jeans from my Daddy.
  • Me: Did you get boots with the fur too??
  • Kayla: Ummmm......huh???

13 August 2010


ManLosch is slowly understanding my gradual nesting behaviors and we will finally buy some paint this weekend for KidLosch's room!
Happy lady over here. :-)

Otherwise, I know I haven't been around much, my mom has been in town these last 2 weeks, helping out, cooking, etc. She leaves tomorrow, so life returns to normal for her and for us. She'll be back in October for the shower. I know Jordan will miss having the company. She brushed him daily and he loved waking her up by nosing open her door every morning to lick her.

Back to the norm...

08 August 2010

LaLosch Faces Her Fears

I have alot of irrational fears. One of them being that my baby will be bald when it comes out (i DID say irrational......). But another one of them involves the public restrooms. So if you don't want to read about my restroom fears, stop reading now.

So as all you women know, whenever we need to use the ladies room, there is usually a line. So I was waiting to use a stall in the Natick mall yesterday and one opened up and the one right next to it opened up too, so my mom went in that one. The minute I stepped in, I was hit with waves (not just one), of other-stinky-person's-poop. Like this women must have just eaten at the food court upstairs and then exploded. So I could barely breathe and then it hit me: Wonder if the next person who comes in after me thinks it was ME?!?!?! Because I didn't do it, all I have to do is empty my pea sized bladder (thanks KidLosch). It smelled so bad that it wasn't even like the next person could ignore it...it was lingering even in the toilet paper.

So I came out and so did my mom and SHE said, "Man, the woman before me blew it UP!!" I said, "No that was the girl before me in my stall." And we literally argued back and forth about whose stall was worse. We came to the conclusion that they were also a mother-daughter duo who instead of tinkling, just ate Sarku Japan instead and duo dumped. But still, people might think it was me! I will reiterate that I KNOW this is irrational, but you can't tell me that you haven't thought the same thing.

02 August 2010

Why I Love My Mom

I love my mom because she buys our kid things like this:

New Yorkers. What can I say? (not much since I technically am one)
I've missed her and I'm glad she's always gotten my sense of humor. :-)

28 July 2010


Getting sick.....SUCKS!
I hope it's just allergies or a quick passing. I can't afford to get a cold. I'm already emotional and tired. I don't need a runny nose too. I think part of it is stress, so I need to cut this shit out, seriously. I did rest already tonight and once I have dinner, it's probably back to bed for me. So much for writing....

26 July 2010

Hail To The Spirit of...Lady Gaga??

In case you've really been in the dark here, I was in marching band in college. And I still follow the happenings of my band, whose name is "The Band of The Hour." Imagine my surprise when I find out today that 3/4 of the first half-time show will be a trio of Lady Gaga songs (Pokerface, Bad Romance, and Just Dance). 

Hmm....I mean, I'm not saying that our rendition of Justin Timberlake's "Rock Your Body" was that great, but uh.....well....yea. Either way, I'll still support it. I'll try at least. I just hope that my successors will make up some awesome alternative lyrics to some of these songs.

25 July 2010

Infant Architecture

Benefits of having an architect husband?

He designs a crib and then places possible furniture in 2 different rooms in a design software (Sketch-Up) in our apartment to show me what it'll look like so we can decide which room to use as the baby's room. He measured the rooms and built the rooms in the software so there is no guessing how much space there will be.

Yeaaaa.....back off bitches. He's mine. ;-)

24 July 2010

Found My Way To Relaxation

The last few days of this week have been filled with mounting frustration and anxiety. So much, that Thursday evening I spent most of it crying. I cried Friday morning because my bra didn't fit anymore, and then I almost broke down into tears at my desk at work because I didn't feel like getting up again to get my second juice box (thank you Jared for getting it for me). So ManLosch told me, "I'll do whatever I need to do to make you happy and sane this weekend, you just let me know."

So ManLosch found me a beach! I told him that it'd been too long since my feet had felt some sand, so he drove me around until we found an acceptable beach. My biggest gripe? It fucked up my hair, but whatever. And people just smoke on the beach (hmm..not a Miami thing, THAT'S for sure...). Not cool. But it was nice out today. After that, he paid for me to have a pre-natal massage. I told him afterwards that I think I may have fallen in love with a woman because my massage therapist was great. I will be booking more appointments with her to keep my shoulders from locking and to keep my back from getting all tight. She said now that all my weight is being shifted to the front, plus sitting at a computer all day, I'm going to really need to work on my back.

After that, we spent our last volunteering evening with the kitties. I can't help as much as I used to (can't do the litter and have to watch the kitty tushies) so we figured that it's only going to get worse. We had a great night; there were 3 kittens there tonight who were absolutely amazing. With the kitties being taken care of, we left to pick up dinner. ManLosch made me a steak dinner while I got to put my feet up and relax. He then brought me ice cream and rubbed my belly.

I've not cried once today. ;-)

22 July 2010


My frustration today comes in many forms. I'm not sure where to start with it, or even if I should blog about any of it. I did realize though, that part of my frustration is writer's block. Or maybe no motivation? I keep thinking about it and wanting to write; I have pieces that are half written, and pieces that I've started and just stopped. I felt this wave of emotion and frustration while walking to my car after work and I feel like my brain was moving with words, and I had the urge to write, but it was almost like I didn't know how. It was strange.

I question whether or not this is something I can try to force. I might. I miss it. Especially after a day like today.

20 July 2010

Beginning of the Updates

I had my monthly visit today and met the OB/GYN for the first time (I usually see my nurse practitioner or the ultrasound people). She is tons of amazing and I love her and will do something strange like invite her over to dinner or something. So as we're talking, she basically gives me a new due date. I'm due Christmas Eve now, which was actually my original due date. What a great little Christmas present. :-) We heard the fetal heartbeat and it's very strong, so Peanut is chillin in there, growing and continuing to give me gas.

Part of all the early pregnancy shtuff involves blood tests for abnormalities, etc. Luckily so far, I am low risk for everything possible, which is great. The only thing they want to test is ManLosch for the sickle cell trait (just in case). I knew I had it and it came up in my bloodwork, but only the trait (more common in African Americans). Since we're having a little mulatto Oreo, it almost makes it safer, but just to check, the doctors wanted to test him too. ManLosch despises needles but I told him that if I could fill up 9 vials of blood everytime I went, he could fill up one for me. So after the visit, he goes to register to get his blood taken. He says, "So will this test determine if I'm black or not?" I said, "WHAT?!" He said, "You know. Maybe I'm black or something and didn't know it. Wonder if the test results come back and the doctors say 'We have good news and bad news. The bad news is, you have the trait. The good news is, you can play for the Chicago Bulls.'"

Yes. That is my husband. But at least he's doing everything he can to keep me sane. :-)

Otherwise, everything is going well so far. Just hungry all the time. Anyone wanna UltraFeast with me??

19 July 2010

Don't Be Nasty

I normally try NOT to blog about work.....but....

Dear Ladies of Our Office,

Please flush once for the bulk and twice for the remainder. And to think, I used to think it was those women at the other company when we shared a restroom before our office move. Now that we don't? I know that it's ya'll. And ya'll are actin' REAL dirty. Let's get it together please. Because with restroom behaviors like this, you can't ever say ANYTHING about men being gross.


17 July 2010

Tales from Diamond Nails

Since bending over is becoming a little more difficult now (that's what she said), I opted to go and get a pedicure today rather than try to paint my toes myself and be completely out of breath by the time I was applying a base coat. There is a nail salon right across the street from my apartment, so that's where I went.

I walked in and they took me right away (good sign). But then 2 of the women who worked there looked at me and laughed a little. I shot them a look and struggled to get in the chair but got up just fine. Just paranoid. The women proceeded to do all the pedi actions and while cleaning up my cuticles, SHE KNICKED ME. I yelped a little and looked down and there was blood. I shot her a look like, "BITCH WTF JUST HAPPENED?!" and she giggled like she was Sailor Moon and said "Oh, I sorry! OMG I SORRY!" Sorry doesn't cut it whore. But apparently you do. Giving me a pedicure without cutting me would have been great.

She gets to the part where she massages my feet, which did feel nice. But then she pulled out some Mr. Miyagi moves on the bottoms of my feet and thought she was fuckin' Muhammad Ali using my legs as punching bags. I again shot her a look and decided that every time she domestically abused me, a little bit of her tip went back into my wallet.

When my toes were done, I decided too that I looked like I was growing a yeti above my eyes, so I got them shaped and waxed. As I got up to go to the room, the same 2 women who laughed before laughed again and this time, mentally deducted the tip instead of shooting the "don't go there" look. The woman who waxed my brows? She got wax IN MY HAIR and ripped a few strands out and didn't seem bothered by it. Not even when I was almost in tears and had my hand in the wax in my hair, trying to reduce the pain. Tip is now almost at $0.

Luckily, she finished quickly and my dog was done at the groomers, so I let my nails air dry. I paid the exact amount and for both those bitches, I left $5, which I felt was being generous after the shit parade they put me through. I'm not sure I'm going back there, but I think I'll be able to find another nail place with no problems, don't you think?

15 July 2010

Lord of the Pants

What will I be doing this weekend you ask?

Looking to buy more maternity pants. Because they are the best thing to happen to me. Ever. Well besides ManLosch, the dog (who I now affectionately just call "Animal"), and the little one. Maternity pants are pretty much up there. Way up there. So I decided while eating an italian ice and letting it all drip onto my belly, "Dammit, I'm gonna buy another pair of pants!"

That is all.

13 July 2010

What Did You Eat Before Bed??

  • ManLosch(while watching tv during breakfast at the hotel): Is that Lady Gaga?
  • Me: No, that's not Lady Gaga. Duh.
  • ManLosch: Hmm. Isn't she dead?
  • Me: WHAT? Whaaaa? Lady Gaga is not dead dummy.
  • ManLosch: Oh. Well maybe I just dreamt that she was dead. Ah, oh well.

02 July 2010


Vacation starts tomorrow! And it's well deserved. After a trip to the ER Tuesday night/Wednesday morning and just having a rough week overall, I'm very excited to head to

ManLosch and I are leaving LoschDog behind and headed to Seattle for a week. We're going to Vancouver for a few days too. I had to go for work so we decided to just actually take a little vacation around it, before I'm not going to want to go anywhere! LoschDog is in good hands with my friend Joey, even though I get sad when I leave his little pup face. But this was a well earned vaca. Super excited. 

30 June 2010

Tanning Fail

My mom called me yesterday at work freaking out. She says, "Okay, I have to tell you this because I figured you'd want to know and I know you're going to tell Marcus (my best friend)." I said, "Okay, what happened?" She says, "So I bought one of those self-tanning sprays because I wanted my skin tone to look even before we left for New Orleans. I followed all of the directions- (and please note, I already started laughing once she told me she bought a self-tanning spray)- and exfoliated. I sprayed it on and let it dry, and went to bed. I woke up and I LOOK LIKE A FREAKIN' ZEBRA!!"

I'm sorry, but I responded with what many others might respond with and said, "Ma, did you forget that you're black? Why the hell were you using a self-tanning spray?" She said, "Well my legs were all pasty and my arms were more brown, so I wanted to look good at the music festival." I said, "If you had just put on some sunblock and let Mother Sun do her business, she would have tanned you just fine." She said, "I know, I know. And it's noticeable. I went to get my nails done and the woman said to me, "Uhhhh Harriet...uhh you got too much sun yea?" My mother said that she told her about the self tanner fiasco and that the little Asian woman looked at her and touched her arm and said, "Uhhhhh no. You no need. Not fa' ya skin color, no." I busted out laughing. I said to her, "Ma, you can go work at Lowes or Home Depot. People can use you as a paint palette when deciding what color brown to paint their walls." She about had enough of me and my jokes. I asked her to send me a picture and she adamantly refused.

I love my mama.

27 June 2010

Let's Get Physical...Physical...

As in, ManLosch is now in charge of my exercise regimen. He wants to make sure that I'm exercising for the baby. So I said while laying in his lap today, "I should probably do SOME exercise that doesn't involve trips to the fridge. Help me." Since the word "exercise" is on his top 10, his ears perked up and he said, "Ok, sure!" I said, "No matter what it is, you have to make sure I don't pout and say no. You have to make me do it." He said, "Ok, I can handle that."

After I just finished making soup, banana bread, raspberry sorbet, AND washed all those dishes, ManLosch turns to me and says, "Okay, ready to exercise????" I looked at him like he was crazy. He said, "3 days a week now, you have to walk with me and LoschDog." I laughed out loud and said he was funny. He was not laughing. So I said, "Uh...um...we'll see." He said, "Nope. 3 days a week. 15 minutes and we'll walk slow. Also, ready to do some floor exercises now?" WTF?! So considering I DID tell him that he could trump my whining, I slowly made my way to my yoga mat and did some exercises with him. It wasn't too bad. But I did whine a little while doing them (duh, IT'S ME).

Well I'm being rewarded with dinner now, so I like this. I'll do as many wall squats and pelvic thrusts necessary. BRING ON THE FOOD!!!!!