08 December 2009

Airtran Sucks

First, we decided we don't like this kid. He's been all up in my shit aka my business, everytime I say something.

Second, the flight attendant yelled at me for placing my jacket in the overhead because bags weren't in there first. I said, "but there's nothing in there." He said, "Ma'am. Ma'am. Just take it out." I've already made it loudly known that I was not happy. My co-worker said, "can I put my jacket up?" I said, "Does it have wheels?" He said, "No." So I said, "then no."

WTF?! This is some recockulous shit.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed


  1. Hahaha. Yea... I wasn't particularly a fan either. The seat wasnt very comfy, and since I need someone to blame for the excrutiating pain of flying with an ear infection, and I refuse to blame myself, I'm going to blame AirTran.

  2. I'd say, write about them - and your experience with them - on some sort of online journal (not sure if they even invented that yet). Something like a "web log" that would allow you to freely express yourself. Hum... too bad they haven't come up with something cool like that. Lexi, you should start ONE! (ok, so I'm being silly - sue me. NO, better yet, blogaboutit)

  3. Dumbass. Planes are packed...leave the overhead compartments for bags, THEN put your precious jacket up. Every flight I've been on in the last two years I hear the flight attendants begging people to LEAVE THE UPPER COMPARTMENTS FOR BAGS, and THEN JACETS. All that to say, AirTran does suck. but so does Delta, and United, and wait....all the airlines suck these days.

  4. I published your comment, Mark the Democrat, so I could tell you this: THE PLANE WASN'T PACKED. IT WAS A TUESDAY. Therefore, feel free to take your "dumbass" comment elsewhere, be sure to spell "jackets" right next time, and be sure to get all the information before placing rude comments on my blog. Thanks kiddo.
