I also have a thing for Sam Bradford. But it's like a real thing. Like an adult crush. ManLosch is aware of MY awareness of the Bradford hotness. He's ok with it. We don't know what's happening with Sammy though either. Hmm.
So anyway, we're sitting here and there was some dude named "Fozzy Whitaker." And I said to ManLosch, "I think people name their kids in hopes that their name alone will cause them to be an athlete or do something big." The conversation that ensued? Names that we would have if we were football players.
Zip McDaniels
Seattle Washington
Danger Franklin
Storm Losch
Chicago Brown
Skip "The Truck" Jones
Arrow Playne
Risquee Johnson
Color Black
I love football. Lots of creative names. Lots of tight pants. And the season is coming to a close. I'll miss you football. Until we meet again next season....oh, and after all the bowl games....yea.
(Don't forget to comment on my 11/28/09 blog for a chance to win a $15 giftcard!)