12 November 2009

You Saw WHO??

I went to yoga last night. I mean, I normally go on Wednesday nights for my 7:30pm class. Hatha Yoga with Jill (we love you Jill....Namaste). So I settle in, put my mat down, take my sweater off, and start trying to relax. And I see someone walk in.

I squint a little, with the low lighting and not having my glasses on, and I think, "Hmm, that person looks familiar." I stretch a little more and the face gets closer. I think, "Hmm, that person DEFINITELY looks familiar...wait....is that.....noooooo...no it can't be."

Yep. It was my freakin therapist.
And if you could imagine a silent freakout in ones' own head, I can imagine I looked like this:

(The fact that I go to therapy is no secret people. It's on my list and it's nice to pay someone that you can vent to objectively)

But yes, she walked in. And she recognized me. And she put her mat right down next to mine and talked to me. It was all KINDS of strange. And so what? Yea, I freaked out a little, but hey guess what?? That's why I'm in therapy people. Makes a little more sense now doesn't it? I think it's the fact that you never expect those types of people to have an outside life other than doing what they get paid to do. Kinda like "No, they just go to work and then go home." Like if you were in 3rd grade and you saw your teacher in the mall and you're like "OMG IT'S HER! I KNOW HER! And she's going to talk to my parents about my class performance on the weekend in the mall!!!!!!!!!"

I'm not making a big deal of it, but I AM telling you that it was strange. Like "Oh, that baby named Cortez has 6 fingers" strange.

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